HIS-Press-Service, 1978 (3. évfolyam, 9-12. szám)

1978-02-01 / 9. szám

HIS Press Service No.9. February 1978 Page 2 THE HUNGARIAN EPISCOPACY Diocese of CSANÁD Archdiocese of EGER Archdiocese of ESZTERGOM Diocese of GY(5r Greek Catholic Diocese of HAJDÚD0R0G Archdiocese of KALOCSA Diocese of PÉCS Diocese of SZÉKESFEHÉRVÁR Diocese of SZOMBATHELY Diocese of VÁC Diocese of VESZPRÉM Head of the joint INSTITUTIONS of the Epi scopacy The independent Archabbey of PANNONHALMA Diocesan Bishop Dr.József Udvardy 6720 Szeged, Aradi vértanúk tere 2 Archbishop Dr.József Bánk Auxiliary Bishop Dr.Endre Kovács 3300 Eger, Széchenyi u.l., Box 80 Archbishop Dr.László Lékai, Cardinal-Primas Auxiliary Bishop Dr.Iván Pálos 2500 Esztergom, Berényi Zsigmond u.2., Box 25 Diocesan Bishop Dr.Kornél Pataky 9021 Győr, Káptalandomb 1., Box 60 Diocesan Bishop Dr.Imre Timkó Auxiliary Bishop Dr.Szilárd Keresztes 4400 Nyíregyháza, Bethlen u.5., Box 60 Archbishop Dr.József Ijjas Auxiliary Bishop Dr.József Bard (hindered) 6300 Kalocsa, Szabadság tér 1., Box 29 Titular Bishop Dr.Gellert Belon (appointed, but not consecrated) 6440 Jánoshalma, Béke tér 14 Diocesan Bishop Dr.József Cserháti 7624 Pécs, Szt.István tér 23., Box 113 Diocesan Bishop Imre Kisberk 8000 Székesfehérvár, Szabadság tér 10 Diocesan Bishop Dr.Árpád Fábián Auxiliary Bishop Dr.József Winkler 9700 Szombathely, Berzsenyi Dániel tér 3., Box 41 Vacant Vicar Capitular József Miháczi Auxiliary Bishop Dr.József Vajda 2600 Vác, Vak Bottyán tér 1., Box 86 Diocesan Bishop László Kádár Auxiliary Bishop László Tóth retired Bishop Dr.Sándor Klempa 8200 Veszprém, Tolbuhin u.12., Box 109 Titular Bishop Dr.József Kacziba 1053 Budapest, Eötvös Lóránd u.5-7 Archabbot Dr.András Szennay 0SB (Member of the Bishops Conference) 9090 Pannonhalma, Vár Published by the Hungarian Institute for Sociology of Religion /HIS/ -President: Bishop Stefan László,D.D., Eisenstadt - Editorial Board: Emeric András,Ph.D. /Vienna/, Julius Morel,Ph.D. /Innsbruck/, Julianna Ujváry M.A. /Vienna/. - A-II40 Wien, Linzer Str.263/18, Phone /O 22 2/ 94 21 89. österr.Postsparkassen­­kto 7739 006. Eigentümer, Herausgeber und Verleger: Ungarisches Kirchensoziologisches Institut. Für den Inhalt verantwort I ich : Dr.Emmerich András, Beide: A—I I40 Wien, Linzer Strasse 263/18. Druck: Offsetschnei Idruck Anton Riegelnik, A-1080 Piaristengasse 19.

