HIS-Press-Service, 1978 (3. évfolyam, 9-12. szám)
1978-02-01 / 9. szám
-Press-Service Special Topic: Religion and Church in Hungary No.9-Vienna, February 1978 THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IN HUNGARY IN NUMBERS AND STATISTICS THE DIOCESES ROMAN CATHOLIC DIOCESES IN HUNGARY DIOCESAN SEAT Diocese Area ~ in krn Csanàd 10.775 Eger (19.000) Esztergom 2.540 Győr 5.200 Hajdlidorog (28.759) Kalocsa 3.979 Pécs 8.115 Székesfehérvár 5.183 Szombathely 4.660 Vác 15.000 Veszprém 13.710 Total 93.030 + Figures appearing in the "Annuario Pontificio." A calculation of the actual area covered by both Eger and Hajdlidorog together results in 23,868 km2. The area belonging to the Greek Catholic Diocese of Hajdudorog is to a great extent the same as that covered by the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Eger. The episcopal seat for Hajdudorog is Nyíregyháza. The bishop of Hajdudorog also has jurisdiction over the Greek Catholic Exarchate of Miskolc and over all Greek Catholic faithful in Hungary who are cared for by the 8 diasporal pastoral centers set up for that purpose. THE PARISHES AND THE FAITHFUL Name of Year Number of Parishes With Faithful Number of Faith-Diocese under 500 501-1000 1001-1500 1501-2000 2001-3000 3001-5000 5001-10000 over 10000 Total ful in 1,000's City Rural Total Csanâd 1964 9 8 27 7 6 (28) (20) (8) 113 122 252 374 Eger 1975 28 79 83 63 81 63 28 12 437 286 812 1,098 Esztergom 1970 4 24 22 15 22 13 28 23 151 684 159 843 Győr 1968 16 66 51 33 15 16 16 2 215 191 254 445 Hajdúdorog 1964 11 47 42 19 19 (5) (4) (2) 149 66 165 231 Kalocsa 1975 3 9 11 12 15 19 6 2 77 50 169 219 Pécs 1972 12 47 43 34 30 22 14 4 206 140 335 475 Székesfehérvár 1977 6 25 25 25 30 23 22 4 160 160 297 457 Szombathely 1977 17 54 42 19 22 11 8 3 176 96 224 320 Vác 1970-15 22 34 55 64 51 25 266 656 670 1,326 Veszprém 1975 13 86 85 63 48 34 17 2 348 181 510 691 Hungary 119 460 453 324 343 298 214 87 2,298 2,632 3,847 6,479 % 5 20 20 14 15 13 9 4 100 41 59 100 The numbers in parentheses were calculated according to the national average