HIS-Press-Service, 1976 (1. évfolyam, 1. szám)
1976 / 1. szám
HIS Press Service, A Review of 1976 Page 2 calmness and, one by one, solutions shall be found for them." In his response to the Secretary of State's speech, Lékai expressed the hope that the remaining differences would be solved in a positive manner. "I am deeply aware," he said, "of the great burden the cardinal's hat places upon the person wearing it. Nevertheless, trusting in God's help and filled with encouragement by the good will already shown by the Hungarian government, I accept it gladly." After his appointment as Archbishop of Esztergom, Lêkai (on February 16, 1976) concretely mentioned in an interview with the Hungarian Press-Service MTI four important pastoral problems which he, as the new Primate of Hungary, would seek to solve as soon as possible. They are: 1) A satisfactory settlement on the question of religious education in the churches. "The agreement so recently reached between Church and State on religious instruction in the churches is the subject of numerous discussions and is being approached from numerous angles. We must continue our efforts at gradually solving the difficulties and creating a satisfactory working formula in this area of concern." 2) The constant and intensified inclusion of the laity in the formation of Church life and evangelical activity. This step, according to Lékai, still remains to be undertaken. 3) An updated organization of pastoral ministry and a safeguarding of priestly vocations. "It is our duty," he said, "to make sure that the passing away of the older priests does not lead to a lack of pastoral care for the faithful." 4) An objective understanding of the existing pastoral situation. "To date we have not succeeded in developing a full picture of the situation of the Church, the priests, and the faithful. As a result, we do not have clear understanding either of the success already attained or of the deficiencies, omissions, and tasks still waiting to be faced in the future. Our aim must be the eradication of this information gap so that in the future we will finally find ourselves in a position to determine the basic existential questions and tasks facing the Church." All of these points are of the utmost importance. The pastoral survey called for under point 4 would show what must be done in the future. As for Lékai's anticipated good will on the part of the State, a good will needed by the Primate if he is to realize his pastoral program, it must be said that he, for his part, proffers a genuine basis for such good will. At the congress held by the People's Front for the Fatherland in September 1976, he openly proclaimed his loyalty to the present Hungarian government. "It is in the interests of both the Hungarian Church and State," he said, "that the good relations which have