A Hajdú-Bihar Megyei Levéltár évkönyve 31. 2006–2009 (Debrecen, 2009)

Tanulmányok - Bényei Miklós: Széchenyi István az álmosdi keresztapa

Hajdú-Bihar Megyei Levéltár Évkönyve XXXI. 117 István Széchenyi, the godfather of Álinosd Miklós Bényei It is little known in the life of count István Széchenyi that during his soldering in Bihar county, he became the godfather of the first daughter of Ferenc Péchy, the landlord of Álmosd. The mother, baroness Franzisca Fries from Wien, was his old acquaintance, too. The study is about the story of their double connections based on the contemporary sources but mainly on the Diary of Széchenyi. The writer deals in more details with the circumstances of the christening taking place on the 26th of August 1823 and with István Németh, the Reformed priest of Álmosd by whom the service was conducted. Though the count was a Roman Catholic, he accepted his reformed friend ’s request because he was tolerant in religious questions. In the second part of the study the author writes about the failure of Ferenc Péchy’s political carrier, who became the member of the governing party, how he was recalled from the membership of the National Re­form Assembly in 1835 and the writer covers the story that in the general assembly of Pest county Széchenyi was not able to counteract his friend’s recalling even with oppositional majority either. In the early forties Széchenyi agreed with baroness Franzisca Fries in living apart from her husband but he succeeded in persuading her out of her divorce with reference to her mother’s obligation and her Christian faith.

