Magyar Béla - Olajos Csongorné - Précsényi Árpád (szerk.): A Közlekedési és Távközlési Műszaki Főiskola Évkönyve, 1973/74-1977/78


PREFACE The College of Traffic and Telecommunication Technology is pub­lishing its second year-book now. In the first publication we have summarized the activity of the legal predecessors and the events of the five years since the establishing of the College in 1968. This volume introduces the academic years between 1973 and 1978 and the main events of these five years. It presents the space of time which has resulted in the gradual moving to Győr, the developing of the new system and the period, in which the 10th academic year has finisched. We recommend our year-book again for the guidance of the professio­nal public opinion, the home and foreign kindred institutions, the gover­ning organs and social organisations. It is also our intention to put the history and the outstanding data of this period of prime importance authentically on record not only for ourselves even more so for our suc­cessors. Győr, December, 1978. Dr. Hegedűs Gyula Director-general 4

