Szabó János szerk.: Fragmenta Mineralogica Et Palaentologica 24-25. 2007. (Budapest, 2007)

Fragmenta Palaeontologica Hungarica (Fragm. Palaeont. Hung.) antea Fragmenta Mineralogica et Palaeontologica Published by the Hungarian Natural History Museum Responsible publisher: István MATSKÁSI Editorial Board Lilla HABLY, László KORDOS, József PÁLFY, János SZABÓ, Attila VÖRÖS Editor: János SZABÓ Associate editors: Piroska PAZONYI, Alfréd DULAI Referees of this volume László KORDOS, Mihály GASPARIK, József PÁLFY Piroska PAZONYI, János SZABÓ, Attila VÖRÖS © Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest, 2007 The Museum is maintained by the MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND CULTURE OKM HU-ISSN 1586-930X Printed by Winterfair 2007 October

