S. Mahunka szerk.: Folia Entomologica Hungarica 64. (Budapest, 2003)

The only true L. zetterstedti Becker, 1902 specimen from the Carpathian Basin in the HNHM is: 1 female: Rózsahegy [Ruzomberok, Slovak Rep.], Hungária Thalhammer - "Lonchaea Fall, fugax Beck." coll. Thalhammer - Lonchaea zetterstedti BECKER $ Ex "2509", det. G. Morge. Lonchaea stackelbergi Czerny, 1934- 1 female: Budapest, Pestszentlőrinc, Péterhalmi-erdő, tölgyes, 2002.05.18-20. - New to Hungary. Lonchaea subneatosa V. Kovalev, 1974 - 2 females: Budapest, Pestszentlőrinc, Péterhalmi­erdő, nyár és juharfa sebéről, 2001. máj. 20, /korhadó nyárfatörzs, 1996.VI.15-16; 1 female: Horto­bágyi NP: Újszentmargita, Margitai-erdő, 1974. VII.3, Malaise-csapda, leg. Holló, "Lonchaea pereg­rina Beck. Ç" det. Á. Soós, 1976; 1 female: Pécs, "VI. 12" - "Lonchaea Fall, fugax Beck." coll. Thalhammer - Lonchaea Ex "2504", peregrina BECKER $, det. G. Morge. The last specimen was the only voucher specimen for the occurrence of L. peregrina in Hungary (see above). - A species new for the Hungarian fauna. Lonchaea sp. aff. nitens - 1 female: Kelet-Mecsek TK: Komló, Zobákpuszta, Hidasi-völgy, Petasitetum, 1999. május 26; 1 female: K-Mecsek TK: Óbánya, Óbányai-völgy, Malaise-csapda, 1999. május 30. - Their tarsi 1-3 are yellow, all the three characteristic pairs of setae on ovipositor are very long, subcostal cell shorter and eyes with somewhat less cilia as in L. nitens. In all probability they belong to an undescribed species. SEPSIDAE Sepsis pseudomonostigma Ursu, 1969 - 1 male: Duna-Dráva NP: Bélavár, Dráva árterület, bányatavak mellett, 2002. május 30. (abdomen with genitalia in a plastic microvial). - New to Hun­gary. Its occurrence has since long been anticipated; the late Árpád Soós identified numerous speci­mens in the S. punctum group just to find a S. pseudomonostigma specimen among them, in vain. Themira biloba Andersson, 1975 - 1 male, 1 female: Dömsöd, Apajpuszta, 1970.VI. 10, leg. Mihályi; 1 male: Öcs, Nagy-tó környéke, 197 I.V.27, leg. Tóth S. - Representatives of this and the next two species were identified from the formerly unnamed sepsid materials of the HNHM. Also this species is new for the Hungarian fauna. Themira simplicipes (Duda, 1926) - 1 male (head and left fore tarsi lost): Budapest, Irhás­árok, 1957.VI. 7, leg. Soós Á. - This is the first specimen of this very rare species in the collection of the HNHM in the last 80 years. Zoltán Szilády sent the Sepsidae materials of the HNHM to Oswald Duda in 1923. Duda (1926) described this species based on two males from Berszászka (Berzasca, Jud. Caras_-Severin, Romania) and Ugod. He returned most of the sepsid material, incl. types to Buda­pest but not those two specimens, although his will was clearly expressed by the sentence (p. 73) "Im Budapester Museum zwei SS aus Berzaska und Ugod (Ungarn)." I am afraid, it is not unnecessary to declare the claim that those specimens are still the property of Hungary. Paradoxically, Árpád Soós did not see any specimen of this species in the HNHM, although he was who captured the above one. Xenosepsis fukuharai Iwasa, 1984- 8 males: Budapest, Rákoskeresztúr, baromfitelep [poul­try farm], 1989. VI. 1, leg. Papp L. - It was reported for the first time from Hungary rather recently (Papp 2001/?). The above specimens were found among the formerly unnamed materials of the HNHM. That datum may refer to an earlier introduction of the species into Hungary.

