S. Mahunka szerk.: Folia Entomologica Hungarica 50. (Budapest, 1989)

Conspectus materiarum ÁDÁM, L. : A new Psammodius species from Hungary (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea) 5 AUDISIO, P.A. : Notes on the genus Brachyleptus Motschulsky (Coleoptera: Kate­retidae), I. 9 CHVÁLA, M. : N omenclatorical and taxonomic notes on Palaearctic Hybotidae (Di­pteral - 2. - 15 HORVATOVICH, S. : Über die Verbreitung und die Biotope von Trechus obtusus Erichson, 1837 (Coleoptera: Carabidae) in Ungarn 19 HREBLAY, M. : Angaben über Tagfalterfauna der Mongolei (Lepidoptera: Rhopalo­cera* 23 KÁDÁR, F. and Gy. SZÉL: Carabid beetles (Coleoptera, Carabidae) collected by light traps in apple orchards and maize stands in Hungary 27 LAUTERER, P. : New synonymy of Japananus hyalinus (Osborn, 1900*. and new findings of the species in Hungary and Bulgaria (Homoptera: Cicadellidae) . 37 LIE, P. : Neue Angaben Uber Carabus comptus Dejean (Coleoptera: Carabidae) im rumänischen Bánat 41 MAHUNKA, S. : A survey of the Oribatid fauna (Acari) of Vietnam. Ill 47 MAHUNKA, S., OLÁH. J. and T. VÁSÁRHELYI: Report on a collecting trip to Viet­nam in 1988 - 61 MAHUNKA, S. and G. RACK: Bibliographia Tarsonemidologica X (1986-87) 67 MATSKÁSI, I., OLÁH, J. and Gy. TO PÁL: Report on a collecting trip to Vietnam in 1987 81 MERKL, O. and Gy. SZÉL: Zoological collectings by the Hungarian Natural His­tory Museum in Korea. 91. A report on the collectings of the Twelfth Ex­pedition 87 PAPP, J. : Contributions to the braconid wasps of Greenland, Denmark (Hymeno­ptera: Braconidae) 95 PAPP, J. : Mirax heinrichi sp. n. from the U.S.A. and taxonomic bionomic data of two European Mirax species 'Hymenoptera: Braconidae, Adeliinae) 105 PAPP, L. and G. KAUFMAN: Scatopsidae, Lauxaniidae, Diastatidae and Hippo­boscidae (Diptera* of the Kiskunság National Park, Hungary 111 RONKAY, L. : Plusiinae 'Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) from Vietnam 119 SZÉKELY, L. : Adatok Marosvásárhely (Közép-Erdély) vidéke nagylepke-faunájának ismeretéhez (Lepidoptera: Ma croie pi dopte r a) 137 U. - NÓGRÁDI, S. : Locality data of the Trichoptera collection originating from the Carpathian Basin in the Hungarian Natural History Museum 147 VASILIU-OROMULU, L. : ökologische Untersuchung über Thysanopteren aus dem Girbova-Massiv (Rumänien) 157 VÁSÁRHELYI, T. : Microhabitat preference of the pondweed bug Mesovelia furcata (Heteroptera: Mesoveliidae) 165

