S. Mahunka szerk.: Folia Entomologica Hungarica 48. (Budapest, 1987)
XVIII INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF ENTOMOLOGY VANCOUVER, CANADA July 3-9,1988 Sponsored by the Entomological Society of Canada, the XV111 International Congress of Entomology will be held in Vancouver, British Columbia, July 3-9, 1988. Facilities for the Congress will be provided by the University of British Columbia. All scientific sessions will b# held on the campus. Scientific Program. The Scientific Program will include plenary lectures and symposia, section symposia, workshops and special-interest group meetings, as well as contributed paper and poster sessions. Except for the plenary events, the program will probably be divided into the following sections: Insect Pathology and Biological Control Medical and Veterinary Entomology Agricultural Entomology and Pest Management Forest Entomology and Pest Management Stored Products and Structural Insects • Systematica, Zoogeography and Palaeontology • Morphology and Development • Cell Biology, Physiology and Biochemistry • Genetics and Speciation • Ecology • Behaviour • Social Insects and Apiculture Toxicology, Pure and Applied Pesticide Development, Management and Regulation The plenary lectures and plenary symposia will be sponsored by the Congress, but all other scientific program events must be self-supporting. Entomologists wishing to propose sectional symposia, special-interest group meetings or workshops should write to the Secretary-General, Dr. G.G.E. Scudder, with details. Program contributions may be in either of Canada's official languages, namely English or French: there will be no simultaneous translation. Social arid Accompanying Persons Program. There will be an Opening Reception and a Congress Dinner. An interesting program is planned for accompanying persons. Tours. Day tours, as well as Pre- and Post-Congress tours, are planned. These will be of both scenic and scientific interest. Exhibits. Commercial exhibits will involve equipment, books, illustrations and art. Travel. Vancouver International Airport has connections to all parts of the world, and is within easy access to the University of British Columbia. Air Canada and CP Air have been appointed official joint carriers for the Congress. Local offices of these airlines will help with individual or group travel arrangements. First Announcement. This First Announcement is distributed to institutions, societies, scientific journals and participants of the XVII Congress. Persons wishing to receive the Second Announcement Brochure should so indicate by writing to the following before March 1, 1987: Dr. G.G.E. Scudder, Secretary-General XVIII International Congress of Entomology Department of Zoology The University of British Columbia Vancouver, B.C. V6T 2A9 Canada Second Announcement Brochure. This will be forwarded direct to each respondent in June 1987. It will contain details of the program, registrations, accommodation, tours, etc.