S. Mahunka szerk.: Folia Entomologica Hungarica 45/1. (Budapest, 1984)

long medially. Ovipositor sheath as long as tergites l-3(-4). Antenna with 27-35 segments. From among the European Rhaconotus species excelling with its black body colour (that of other species reddish yellow to yellow), legs brown, tarsi brownish yellow to yellow. Wings fumous. Male sex unknown. Hitherto listed only from Germany. Recently reported from Hungary. Rhaconotus scaber Kokujev, 1900 Rhaconotus sc aber Kokujev, 1900, Trudy russk. ent. Obshtsh. 34: 545, o_ , locus typicus: "Meli­topolski uyzd, Tavrltsheskoye gub.," southern Russia. - Type-specimen(s) ln the ( ? ) Zoologi­cal Institute, Leningrad. Rhaconotus cerdai Docavo, 1960, Eos 36: 27, o. , locus typicus: "Cludad Real: Pozuelo de Calatrava (La Fuente)"; syn . n . - Holotype In the Instltuto Espanol de Entomologia, Madrid. The above synonymy Is based on my original examination of the holotype specimen of Rhaco­ notus cerdai Docavo, compared with authentically identified representatives of Rh. scaber Kokujev. Localities: I/l: 1 o_ : Baja, szőlők. 6 o_ + 1 ff: Csévharaszt. 1 ff: Foktő. 1 o. : Szeged, Em­lékerdő (Ásotthalom). 1 o_ : Sződ. 2 ff: Ujszentmargita. II/l: 1 ff : Nagykovácsi, Nagyszénás. 1 o. + 1 ff: Tihany, Barátlakások. 1 o. : Gánt, Róka-hegy. II/2: 1 ff: Kóspallag, Klsinóc. 1 ff: Mályinka, Kapubérc. 1 ff: Miskolc, Hámor. III/3: Ósebeshely (= Slbiselul Vechl, Transylvania). III/5: 1 o. : Nagyenyed (= Aiud, Transylvania). - III-VIII, frequent In May and June. SPATHIINI Förster, 1862 Spathtus curvicaudis Ratzeburg, 1844 - Locality: II/l: 5 o: Budapest, Hűvösvölgy. VI/2: 1 o. : Somogyaszaló, Deseda. - VIII-IX. Very similar to S. brevicaudis Ratzeburg,perhaps one of the two names represents but an ecoform of a species. A study of their life-history will elucidate this problem. - Ovipositor sheath curving upwards dorsally, as long as hind tibia + basitarsus.Temples behind eyes less rounded . Antenna 25-28 segmented. A Palaearctic though less frequent species. In Hungary supposedly more frequent than it is indicated by its single locality. Spathlus erythrocephalus Wesmael, 1838 - Localities: I/l: 2 o. + 1 ff: Borosjenő (= Ineu, Transylvania). 1 £ : Budapest, Népliget. 3 o_ : Kalocsa. 2 o_ : Kunfehértó. 1/2: 1 o_ : Nagysalló (= Tekovské Luzany, Slovakia). II/l: 2 o_ : Budapest. 2 q: Budapest, ex Xlphydria longicollls Geoffroy (Hym. Symphyta). 3 o. : Budapest, ex Synanthedon vesptformls Linné (Lep.). Budapest, ex Callidium aeneum Deg. (Col.). 2 o_ : Várpalota. II/2: 4 £ + 1 ff: Felsőtárkány. 1 ff: Nagyhuta, Gllevár. 1 £: Pécel. III/4: 1 o_: Zilah (= Zalau, Transylvania). 1 o_ : Nagyenyed (= Aiud, Tran­sylvania). 1 o: Szászkézd (= Kaisd, Transylvania). V/3: 1 o. : Farkasfa. - V-X, frequent in June to August. Similar to S. curvicaudis Ratzeburg and S. radzayanus Ratzeburg. Body, in comparison to every European Spathlus species, strong, petiole relatively thick, in dorsal view its hind width only 1.6-1.7 times greater than basal width. Ovipositor sheath curving upwards dorsally, as long as metasoma + half mesosoma. Antenna with 28-32 segments. Ground colour of body rusty brown, dorsal sutures of mesosoma black(ish), surface along sutures blackish fumous. Eventually mesoso­ma and petiole with yellowish or brownish yellow pattern. Wings brownish spotted. Probably a western Palaearctic species. New to the fauna of Hungary. Spathlus pedestris Wesmael, 1838 - Localities: III/2: 1 $: Szováta (= Sovata, Transylvania). HI/3: 1 g_ + 1 ff: Ósebeshely (= Slbiselul Vechl, Transylvania). Females wingless, winged male unrecognizabel without their females. Mesonotum conspicu­ously small. Reported sporadically from several countries in Europe. In the Carpathian Basin known only from Transylvania (Roumania). Its occurrence ln Hungary Is expected. Spathlus phymatodls Fischer, 1966 - Localities: I/l: 1 o + 1 ff: Ujszentmargita, 1 o_ swept in a Galatello-Quercetum and 1 ó^in an Artemisio-Festucetum pseudovinae. II/l: 1 ff : Csobánka. 1 o : Révfülöp, Fülöp-hegy. - V-VII. Easy to recognize by its dorso-ventrally flattened mesosoma and head. Eye relatively small, only one-quarter higher than wide. Petiole twice longer than wide at hind. Antenna with 22-26 segments. Ground colour of body rusty brown to blackish brown.

