S. Mahunka szerk.: Folia Entomologica Hungarica 34/2. (Budapest, 1981)

Localities. 1 9: Budapest. 1 9: Doboz, Sebesfoki erdő. 1 9: Ocsa, turjáni erdő. 1 ff: Siófok. - vm-ix. 3 5 + 1 í. Microgaster areolaris Thomson, 1895 Tergite 2 with rather longitudinal rugo-rugulosity, sometimes nearly smooth, sculpture al­ways weaker than that of tergite 1. Frons between ocellar field and antennái socket rugulose. Claws bent strongly and below with a spiniform denticle. Penultimate joint cubic. - Distribution: On the basis of its localities in Europe it is distributed jn the mountainous regions of the continent. Reported from several countries in Europe. In the Carpathian Basin collected in Hungary in two localities, in Transylvania (Roumanla) in five localities (Borkút, Gödemesterháza, Homoródfürdő, Kaisd, Nagyág), furthermore in Carpathian Ukraine at Ungvár. Localities. 1 o_: Bátorliget, 1 ff: Budapest, Hűvösvölgy. - V-VI, 1 o_ + 1 ff. Microgaster asramenes Nixon, 1968 Tergites 1-2 with a characteristic and somewhat concentric rugo-striate sculpture. Body with a special silky sheen. First tergite shorter than wide at hind. Hypopygium at most with very fine creases. Hind tibia three coloured, blackish over distal third to half, reddish at middle, and pale to whitish at basal fourth to fifth. - Distribution: Described from Turkey, reported from Italy, Roumania (Transylvania) and the USSR (Transcaucasus). In Hungary ranged In lowland to hilly re­gions. In Hungary, collected in six localities and in Transylvania at Désakna (= Ocna Dejului). Localities. 1 ff: Gyula, csatorna-part. 1 ff: Gyula, Pósteleki erdö. 2 9: Gyula, Szanazug. 1 $>: Pilismarót. 1 cf: Ujszentmargita. - V-VI, IX, 3 9 + 3 ff. Microgaster caris Nixon, 1968 Vein dl distinctly longer than d2. Disc of mesonotum posteriorly with weakening punctation having a somewhat shrivelled appearance. Surface of vertex around ocellar field with weak trans­verse wrinkles. Claws simple, i.e. without a single spinule. - Distribution: Described from Austria, reported from the European part of the USSR. New to the fauna of Hungary. Localities. 1 &: Csesznek. 1 cf : Csévharaszt. 1 9: Lasztanya, Borshely. 1 9: Mecsek, Meleg­mány. 1 9, + 1 cf: Tihany. - VI-VII, 3 9. + 3 ff. Microgaster consors Nixon, 1968 Hind claw below with a pair of short spinules. Penultimate joint of female antenna almost cubic, dl distinctly shorter than d2 . Propodeum weakly rugose. - Distribution: Known only from few localities in England and Czechoslovakia. New to the fauna of Hungary. Localities. 1 9: Budapest, Farkasvölgy. 5 ff: Budapest, Remetehegy. - IV-V, 1 9 + 5 ff . Microgaster crassicornis Ruthe, 1860 Especially hind claw strongly bent and with spinule below. Pubescence of antennái joints 17­15 relatively long, equal about one-third of breadth of a joint. - Distribution: Sporadically in Europe. Locality. 1 9: Mátra Mts., Bagolyirtás. - VII, 1 9. Microgaster curvicrus Thomson, 1895 Face with distinct and fine punctation, interspaces smooth and shiny, and rather bigger than diameter of punctures. Ocelli relatively small, distance between fore and a hind ocelli at most nearly equal with diameter of an ocellus, hind imaginary tangent to fore ocellus touching (and only exceptionally hardly transecting) hind pair of ocelli. Body in comparison to M. erro Nixon less robust. (4-)4. 5-5 mm (9 ff). - Distribution: Listed in some European countries including the European part of the USSR, reported from Mongolia too. Supposedly a Palaearctic species. In Hungary frequent in the mountains (e.g. in the zoogeographical district Matricum collected in 9 localities), sporadically in the lowland (in Pannonicum collected in 2 localities). In Hungary known from 11, in Transylvar' - (Roumania) from 6 localities (Désakna, Déva, Ispánmező, Mehádia, Né­metbogsán, Teles) and in Croatia (Yugoslavia) from Lipik. Localities. 1 9: Budapest, Nagysvábhegy. 1 9 + 1 ff: Budapest, Óbuda. 1 o + 1 ff: Budapest, Sashegy. 1 9: Érd. 1 9: Jászberény. 1 ff: Monostorapáti. 2 ff: Nagykovácsi. 1 ö: Nagyvisnyó, El­za-lak. 1 ff: Nagyvisnyó, Leányvölgy. 1 cf: Pilismarót. 1 o_ + 1 ff: Tihany, Külső-tó. - V-VÏÏ, frequent in May and June. 7 9 + 9 tf.

