S. Mahunka szerk.: Folia Entomologica Hungarica 34/1. (Budapest, 1981)

FOLIA ENTOMOLOGICA HUNGARICA ROVARTANI KÖZLEMÉNYEK XLII (XXXIV). 1. 1981 p. 117- 134 Records of the Genera Philonthus, Gabrius, Neobisnius and Hesperus from New Guinea with descriptions of new species (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) By H. R. LAST (Received November 30, 1980) ' Abstract: This paper includes descriptions of 13 new species and 2 varieties of the genus Philonthus, the correction of Philonthus thermarum Aube, to Gabronthus theoma- roldes Tott., and G. corrugatus Tott. (J.Nat.Hist. 1968:368), with additional localities; a new species of Gabrius Steph., and three Neobisnius Gang., also descriptions of 14 new species and 1 variety of the genus Hesperus. Where males were available, outline drawings of the aedeagi are shown. This is the sixth published contribution dealing with Staphylinid material collected by Dr. Richard HORNABROOK and his son CHARLES whilst in New Guinea. Types of all new Species have been donated to the collection of the British Museum (Nat.Hist.), paratypes have been returned to Dr. HORNA BROOK for deposition in the collection of the Wellington Museum, New Zealand and, where possible, examples have been retained for my own collection. I have also included seven species taken by Mr. M.E. BACCHUS (British Museum and Newcastle University Expedition 1964/5), a species in the Museum Collection from the Commonwealth Institute of Entomology taken by B.M. THISTLETON, and also one species from the New Hebrides by J.R. BAKER, also in the Museum Collection. The general remakrs relating to the Philonthus and Hesperus genera have been published in "Journal of Natural History" 1968, 2: 345-375, and 1973, 7: 425-433. I acknowledge with gratitude the opportunity given by Dr. HORNA BROOK of working on this material and the authorities of the British Museum (Natural History) for allowing me to use their collection. New species described having two rows of four punctures on the pronotum Philonthus gawensis sp. n.' This species can be compared with Philonthus singularis Last, the segments of the antennae are not so transverse, the last three segments are white, all other segments are black; in P . sin­ gularis, the last two segments are cream coloured and the basal four segments are reddish-yellow, the scutellum is more finely and densely punctured. From P. bellatulus sp.n. it can be distin­guished by the more brilliant brassy green of the elytra, the puncturation of which is not quite so dense and the punctures are of two different sizes, the last three segments of the antennae are white, in bellatulus there are only two and they are crearn­c °loured; the scutellum is more finely and densely punctured, the seventh tergite is reddish for.ithe apical third, the eighth tergite also has a few reddish patches; the femora are black, the tibiae and tarsi are pale yellow. Head transverse (5.5:4.5), moderately shining, without microsculpture, impunctate, except for large umbilicate interocular punctures and also a row of three extending obliquely from the inner margins of the eyes towards the centre, as well as others on the temples, from which rather long bristles extend; eyes not very convex, their longitudinal diameter equal to the length of the temples; antennae with the first five segments longer than broad, the third, a little longer than the second, the fourth and fifth considerably shorter than those previous, segments six and seven as

