S. Mahunka szerk.: Folia Entomologica Hungarica 33/1. (Budapest, 1980)
Conspectus materiarum Megemlékezés AMBRUS Béláról (1909- 1979) 5 ATHIAS-HENRIOT, C. : Contribution á la définition, à la composition et a la géographie du genre Cornigamasus Evans et Till, 1979 (Acari: Parasitiformes, Parasitidae) 9 AUDISIO, P. : Notes synonymiques sur quelques Nitidulidae du Museum de Budapest (Coleoptera) 19 AUDISIO, P. : Anamartus jelineki sp. n. , a new species from Jordan (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae) 21 BALOGH, P, : Studies on the Papuan Attidae (Araneae) Furculattus maxillosus gen, et sp. n 25 BALOGH, P. : Studies on the Papuan Attidae (Araneae) Leptathamas paradoxus gen. et sp. n 29 BAYOUMI, B.M. : Oribatid species from some Egyptian habitats (Acari: Oribatida) 33 ENDRŐDI, S. : Sechs neue Dynastinen-Arten aus Amerika und Borneo (Coleoptera: Dynastidae) 37 GAEDIKE,R.: Zur Kenntnis der tyrrhenischenTineidenfauna (Lepidoptera: Tineidae) 43 GOLOVATCH, S. I. : A contribution to the millipede fauna of Korea (Diplopoda) .... 49 GOMY, Y.: Un nouveau Chaetobacanius Corny de Sri Lanka (Coleoptera: Histeridae) 59 HEGAB, A.M., A. OROSZ and G. JENSER: Observations on the larvae and imagoes of some Allygus species (Homoptera) 61 HERCZIG, R., L. RONKAY and Cs. SZABÓKY: Data to the knowledge of the natural foodplants of Lepidopterous larvae in Hungary 67 KANDIL, M.M.: Three new Lasioseius species from Hungary (Acari: Mesostigmata, Podocinidae) 75 KLAUSNITZER, B. : Zur Kenntnis der Helodidae von Vietnam (Coleoptera) 87 KLAUSNITZER, B.: Eine Art der Gattung Cyphon Paykull von Neukaledonien (Coleoptera: Helodidae) 95 KO ZÁR, F. and G. VINIS: Redescription of Ritsemia pupifera Lichtenstein, 1879, re-establishment of the genus and erection of the Tribe Ritsemini (Homoptera: Coccoidea, Pseudococcidae) 97 MAHUNKA, S. : Data to the knowledge of mites preserved in the "Berlese Collection" (Acari: Tarsonemina, Oribatida).II 105 MAHUNKA, S. : Oribatids from Tunesian soils (Acari: Oribatida). 1 123 MANDL, K. : Carabus canaliculatus Adams und seine Rassen nebst Beschreibung von zwei neuen Subspecies (Coleoptera: Carabidae) 135 NAGEL, P.: Fühlerkäfer aus den Uluguru-Bergen, Tansania (Coleoptera: Carabidae) 143 PETERSEN, G. : Tineid moths from Tunisia (Lepidoptera: Tineidae) 145 RÜCKER, H. : Lathridiiden aus Tanzania (Coleoptera: Lathridiidae) 149 SCHAWALLER, W. : Faunistische und systematische Daten zur Silphiden-Fauna Koreas (Coleoptera: Silphidae) 151 STEINMANN, H. and T. VÁSÁRHELYI: Zoological Collectings by the Hungarian Natural History Museum in Korea. 51. A Report on the Collecting of the Sixth Expedition 155 SZIRÁKI, Gy. : Notes on Coleophora and Cnephasia species trapped by synthetic attractants (Lepidoptera: Coleophoridae and Tortricidae) 161 WITT, T.: Bombyces und Sphinges aus Korea. I. (Lepidoptera: Bombycidae, Sphingidae) I 67 ZLOBIN, V. V. : The distribution of mining flies of the genus Cerodontha Rond.in Hungary. (Diptera: Agromyzidae) 175 ZOMBORI, L. : Notes on and synoiymies of some European sawflies (Hymenoptera: Symphyta) 181