S. Mahunka szerk.: Folia Entomologica Hungarica 32/2. (Budapest, 1979)

Sericothrips s taphylinus Haliday, 1836, - In a comparatively recent work JACOT­GUILLARMOD (1971) recorded it from Hungary. However, neither references by PRIESNER or FÁBIÁN nor in JENSER' s collection were found with Hungarian locality. Consequently, for the time being the occurrence of this species in Hungary is not proved. Anaphothrips vitis Priesner, 1933. - It was PRIESNER (1933b) who recorded it from Vitis vinifera on the basis of a larva collected by PILLICH at Simontornya (Hungary). Odontothrips biuncus John, 1921. - Its Hungarian record was published by JACOT­GUILLARMOD (1974). In our home literature there is no record whatever nor is it represent­ed by a single specimen in the JENSER collection. Thus, the presence of this species in Hun­gary is not considered to be proved. Rhaphidothrips longistyiosus Uzel, 189 5. - Its first Hungarian record was published by FRANZ and PRIESNER (1961). The closest locality of the species to Hungaryis Kassa (FABIAN, 1937) in Czechoslovakia. According to the available literature it does not occur in the pre sent-day territory of Hungary. Taeniothrips fedorovi Priesner, 1933.- The recent Thysanoptera Catalogue (JACOT­GUILLARMOD, 1975) includes this species owing to printing error. The presence of the spe­cies in Hungary is not known. Taeniothrips hispanicus Bagnall, 1921. - The occurrence of this species is quite probable on the basis of PRIESNER's (1928a) work listing T. frici var. croceicollis Priesner 3 T. hispanicus referring to male specimens to var. croceicollis collected at Simontornya (Hungary). Thrips lini Ladureau, 1878.- No reference is known as to its Hungarian occurrence. However, the small part of the PILLICH collection that escaped destruction includes one spec­imen determined by PRIESNER to be T. lini collected at Simontornya, 20th June, 1936 from Linum tenuifolium. Consequently, the occurrence of the species in Hungary is proved. Thrips paluster Reuter, 1899. - This species was found to be a synonym of T. meny- anthidis Bagnall, 1923 (JACOT-GUILLARMOD, 19 75). Further, the latter was again proved to be a synonym of T. fuscipennis Haliday, 1836 a species known to occur in Hungary (PIT­KIN, 1976), Thrips paucisetosus Priesner, 1927. - In his key PRIESNER (1964) recorded this species from Hungary. Other references are unknown, nor was a specimen found in the PRIESNER collection. The occurrence of this species in Hungary is not proved. Haplothrips cerealis Priesner, 1939. - So far it has been unknown from Hungary. The first specimens were collected in Csévharaszt in 1971. Haplothrips juncorum Bagnall, 1913. - It was FÁBIÁN (1938c) who first recorded this species from Hungary. But the penis drawing definitely shows that the species belongs to H. hukkineni Priesner, 1950, and all the specimens in the FABIAN collection are also the latter species. Hoplandrothrips parvus Uzel, 1895. - It was first PRIESNER (1964) who recorded it from Hungary without a close locality. On the other hand, no specimens are known of this species in the PRIESNER collection. Consequently, the occurrence of this species in Hungary is not proved. Acknowledgements. For the valuable advice, help in identification and for compara­tive material I should like to thank Dr. J. PELIKÁN (Brno), Dr. G. SCHLIEPHAKE (Kothen) and Dr. R. zur STRASSEN (Frankfurt am Main). List of species TEREBRANTIA Aeolothripidae Uzel, 1895 Ankothrips D. L. Crawford, 1909 A. niezabitowskii (SchiUe, 1910): Simontornya (Priesner, 1928b).

