Folia archeologica 43.

20 VIOLA T. DOBOSI - ISTVÁN VÖRÖS North eastern part of Transdanubia with sites T ТаЦ Sz Szelim J Jankovich M Mogyorósbánya Gy Esztergom Gyurgyal Pm Pilismarót D Dömös Psz Pilisszántó III К Kiskevély F Felsobarlang Cs Budapest, Csillaghegy É Érd Fig. 3. Open-air and cave paleolithic sites in the North-eastern Transdanubia. 3. ábra Nyíltszíni és barlangi paleolit telepek Északkelet Dunántúlon. cause of their crude manufacturing we may be sure only of their artifical (i.e. manu­factured) character. (On the basis of similar considerations among the flakes selected from the lower layers of Szelim cave I found pebble tools which may belong to the group of the so-called non-standardizable tools.) 2 6 Pebble Mousterian tools (selected by Hillebrand, Vértes, Gábori-Csánk and Dobosi) are the following: Pb. 478: couteau a dos; a regular segment of pebble with some touch, its stratigra­phie position is uncertain Pb. 479 : double scraper; pebble segment its concave and convex edges are retouched with a scraper-like working on its base Pb. 487: angular scraper (Vértes: Jabrud scraper) made of Jankovichian radiolarite! Pb. 814: scraper with straight edge on a pebble segment Pb. 816: triangular flake with natural edge Pb. 824a: simple convex scraper on a segment Pb. 824b: convex scraper on a segment with alternate retouch Pb. 825a: triple scraper with straight edge made of a flint segment Pb. 825b: atypical transversal burin on a flake with bulb Pb. 825c: retouched flint segment; flat Pb. 825d: angular scraper with alternate manufacture on a quartzite segment Pb. 826a: straight edged scraper on a segment with bifacial manufacture Pb. 826b: atypical chisel on a quadrangular flake retouched along its two edges 2 6 Dobosi, V. without date 34-35.

