Folia archeologica 43.
20 VIOLA T. DOBOSI - ISTVÁN VÖRÖS North eastern part of Transdanubia with sites T ТаЦ Sz Szelim J Jankovich M Mogyorósbánya Gy Esztergom Gyurgyal Pm Pilismarót D Dömös Psz Pilisszántó III К Kiskevély F Felsobarlang Cs Budapest, Csillaghegy É Érd Fig. 3. Open-air and cave paleolithic sites in the North-eastern Transdanubia. 3. ábra Nyíltszíni és barlangi paleolit telepek Északkelet Dunántúlon. cause of their crude manufacturing we may be sure only of their artifical (i.e. manufactured) character. (On the basis of similar considerations among the flakes selected from the lower layers of Szelim cave I found pebble tools which may belong to the group of the so-called non-standardizable tools.) 2 6 Pebble Mousterian tools (selected by Hillebrand, Vértes, Gábori-Csánk and Dobosi) are the following: Pb. 478: couteau a dos; a regular segment of pebble with some touch, its stratigraphie position is uncertain Pb. 479 : double scraper; pebble segment its concave and convex edges are retouched with a scraper-like working on its base Pb. 487: angular scraper (Vértes: Jabrud scraper) made of Jankovichian radiolarite! Pb. 814: scraper with straight edge on a pebble segment Pb. 816: triangular flake with natural edge Pb. 824a: simple convex scraper on a segment Pb. 824b: convex scraper on a segment with alternate retouch Pb. 825a: triple scraper with straight edge made of a flint segment Pb. 825b: atypical transversal burin on a flake with bulb Pb. 825c: retouched flint segment; flat Pb. 825d: angular scraper with alternate manufacture on a quartzite segment Pb. 826a: straight edged scraper on a segment with bifacial manufacture Pb. 826b: atypical chisel on a quadrangular flake retouched along its two edges 2 6 Dobosi, V. without date 34-35.