Folia archeologica 43.
18 VIOLA T. DOBOSI - ISTVÁN VÖRÖS 108/914.22.: multiple burin on a worked flake, one of the burin edges is shaped by retouch 108/914.26.: classical regular middle burin made on a broad blade Borers: Pb 471, 488, 831, 108/914.5.: All the four tools are short, atypical borer tips slantwise to the longitudinal axis of the blade Raclette: Pb 484: small, flat geometric flake retouched all around with successive retouch Truncated blades: Pb. 436, 464, 445: crossvise truncated pieces Pb. 461 : obliquely truncated ones Pb 463 : truncated blade with convex end and a scraper-like working from the dorsal face Natural blade point: Pb 453, 475, 108/914.8,14.15: all are narrow, regular blades the distal ends of which are pointed as a result of natural splitting Gravette point: Pb 422, 424, 446, 447, 832,108/914.12,23. regular, pointed blades retouched by abrupt or semiabrupt retouch along their both edges or one of their edges, or along parts of the edges. Backed blades: Pb 412, 413,427, 428, 435, 448, 449, 451, 108/914.3.18.20. All of them are very regular, narrow blades, manufactured by abrupt or semiabrupt rectouch generally along one or two edges. Retouched blades: Blades or blade-like flakes manufactured along one of their edges or along part of their edges by pearl or marginal retouch. Pb 407, 408, 419, 420, 438, 440, 444,450,467,470,472,474, 828 (one of the two blades inventorized under this last number), 108/914.4,21,24. Swiderian influence: Dorsal scalar retouch appears on two retouched-backed blade fragments which is interpreted by the experts as Swiderian influence (Pb 418, 430). A few scattered tools bearing some of the technological characters of Swiderian culture which appear in a small number within the assemblage of different sites are not sufficient to surmount vast geographic distances and most probably an even larger chronological gapUnworked blades: 56 intact pieces or different fragments, regular blades or blade-like flakes.