Folia archeologica 43.

MATERIAL OF THE KISKEVÊLY CAVE 13 Fig. 1. Kiskevély Cave plan. After S.Sashegyi. 1948. 1. ábra Kiskevélyi barlang alaprajza. - The finds of the upper yellow layer (Hillebrand's Magdalenian II) belong to the Pilisszántó culture. 1 1976. In his summary on the Middle Paleolithic Miklós Gábori puts the Kiske­vély cave, together with Süttő, Tokod, Szelim cave and first of all with Tata, into a small but characteristic NE-Transdanubian group of finds representing the pebble Mousterian of the Altwürm/Brörup. 1 4 The "Transdanubian Szeletian" of the upper level connects the localities both typologically and chronologically to the Jankovich cave. 1 5 1986. Till the future analysis of new authentic data on finds the chronological and typological position of the Middle Paleolithic finds of the Kiskevély cave had come to a rest. In her theses Vera Gábori-Csánk summarized the informations. A de­bate of unusal sharpness, on the cultural and chronological determination of Middle Paleolithic tools, hardly justified by the scarcity of finds is due to their very exceptio­nal superposition. It is a pity that proofs are provided only by repeated re-evalua­tions of a find assemblage excavated more than eighty years ago. Vera Gábori-Csánk had reached the following final conclusion: the lower part of the brown layer with hearth remains yielded old Middle Paleolithic material; the age of the quartzite Mousterian finds is the end of Riss/Würm, the beginning of Early Würm, the lower chronological and typological levels of Érd and Subalyuk. 1 6 Over the Mousterian finds but still within the brown layer with only a slight difference in depth, there are the finds of Jankovichian culture representing an older horizon of this culture: the beginning of the Early Würm, Brörup. 1 7 She was able to make these statements on 1 3 Vértes, im. 207. 1 4 Gábori, M. 1976. 73. 1 5 Gábori, im. 78. о. 1 6 Gábori-Csánk, V. 1986. 218-219. 1 7 Gábori-Csánk, im. 232.

