Folia archeologica 34.

10 VIOLA T. DOBOSI In her monograph on Érd and in other studies V. G. Csánk accepts from among the data of several samples obtained from the Tata calcareous tufa the youngest one: 33 600 + 1100. 1 2 M. Gábori shares her opinion and making a cultural-chronological row of the most important Hungarian Middle Palaeoli­thical sites, he considers the following formula possible: Subalyuk lower —Érd­Subalyuk upper —Tata. 1 3 D. Jánossy does not regard this late data as realistic; he calls the attention to the well-known vagueness of the C 1 4 data. 1 4 E. Krolopp published the absolute chronologic data with the remark that "because of the formation of sweet water limestone slightly under the cultural layer is a travertine from the Riss-Würm period." 1 3 Besides the data 33 000 and 50 000 years given by Vértes he mentions also a date 70 000 Th230/U 234 too. 1« The last and at the same time most spectacular result of the determination of the site as given by an absolute chronology was published by H. P. Schwarz: according to his new investigations on an uranium sequence the cultural layer would be not younger than 99.4 +0.1 thousand year. Thus the author dated the site with a whole geological period older, which, according to his opinion, can be inserted in the interval of the last interglacial (125 90 thousand). This suits also the results gained by Kretzoi and Vértes. 1 7 According to the proof of the botanistic-faunistic data it seems to be rather unambiguous that the settlement of the calcareous tufa of Porhanyóbánya began in the last interglacial and the cultural layer would start, according to the same data and corroborated by the sediment investigations already at the beginning of a period growing colder. The date doubtlessly interglacial could be perhaps obtained from some older calcareous tufa sample of the basins. 1 8 The period of nearly 70 000 years between 100 000 and 33 000 calls the attention again to an unfilled gap between the long and the short chronology. As for my opinion, I would estimate the absolute data about 50 000 as the most real for the following reasons: — the core sample whose investigation by Vértes and others gave the above result contained also charcoal, l u which is, most probably, the level index of the cultural layer; — also the head of the laboratory called my attention fo the incertitude of the investigations on burnt bones (the 33 000 date was obtained from this);'-" 1 2 Gábori—Csánk, V., Érd. 109.; Ead., Acta Arch. Hung. 22(1970) 4. 1 3 Gábori, M., Acta Arch. Hung. 21(1969) 157.; Id., Földr. Közi. 93(1969) 209. 1 4 Jánossy, D., op. cit. 135. 1 5 ' Krolopp, E., Földr.Közi. 102(1978) 231. 1 6 Tata. 35—36. GRO is older than 50 000 GRN 3023 33 600 1 7 Schwär^, H. P. —Skoflek, I., New dates for the Tata, Hungary, archaeological site. Nature 295(1982) 590—591. 1 8 I 'értés, JL., A comment on the C 1 4 data of Eastern Middle European Palaeolithic. In : Internat. Radiocarbon Conf. (Pullman 1965) 222, Fig. 1. We mention here that the Vértes sequence contained also a date about 100 000 interpreted by Vértes as the age of the calcareous tufa. 1 9 Tata. 35. 2 0 Ibid. 36.

