Fogorvosi szemle, 2015 (108. évfolyam, 1-4. szám)

2015-03-01 / 1. szám

24 - FOGORVOSI SZEMLE 27. Milner P, Appenzeller O, Qualls O, Burnstock G: Differential vul­nerability of neuropeptides in nerves of the vasa nervorum to streptozotocin-induced diabetes. Brain Res 1992; 574: 56-62. 28. Moore HN, Frew ID: Peripheral vascular lesion in diabetes mel­litus. Br Med J 1965; 2: 19-23. 29. Negrato CA, Tarzia O: Buccal alterations in diabetes mellitus. Diabetology and Metabolic Syndrome 2010; 2: 3 DOI 10.1186/ 1758-5996-2-3. 30. Parker RC, Rapley JW, Isley W, Spencer P, Killow Wl: Gingival cervicular blood flow for assessment of blood glucose in diabetic patients. J. Periodontol 1993; 4, 666-672. 31. Parkhouse N, LE Quesme PM: Impaired neurogenic vascular response in patients with diabetes and neuropathic for lesions. New Engl J Med 1988; 318:1306-1309. 32. Pradhan L, Nabzdyk C, Andersen N, Logrefo FW, Veves A: In­flammation and neuropeptides: The connection in diabetic wound healing. Expert Rev Mol Med 2013; 1:e2. DOI 10.1017/ S1462399409000945. 33. Riches DWH: Macrophage involvement in wound repair, remodeling and fibrosis. 2nd edition, London: Plenum New York, 1996. 34. Saini R, Al-Maweri SA, Saini D. Ismail NM, Ismail AR: Oral mucosal lesions in non oral habit diabetic patients and association of dia­betes mellitus with oral precancerous lesions. Diabetes Res Clin Pract 2010; 89: 320-326. 35. Sonea JM, Palmaer MV, AKILII D, Harp JA: Treatment with neu­rokinin-1 receptor antagonist reduces severity of inflammatory bowel disease induced by Cryptospodium parvum. Clin Diagn Lab Immunol2002; 9: 333-340. ■ 108. évf. Tsz. 2015. 36. Southerland JH, Taylor G, Offenbacher S: Diabetes and perio­dontal infection: making the connection. Clin Diabetes 2005; 23: 171-178. 37. Sunderkotter C, Steinbrink K, Goebeler M, Bhardwaj R, Sorg C: Macrophages and angiogenesis. J Leukoc Biol 1994; 55: 410-422. 38. Tilg H, Moschen AR; Inflammatory mechanisms in the regulation of insulin resistence. Mol Med 2008; 14: 222-231. 39. Troger J, Humpel C, Kremser B, Kralinger M, Teuchner B, Kunze C, Philipp W, Kieselbach G: The effect of streptozotocin-induced di­abetes mellitus on substance P and calcitonin gene-related pep­tide expression in the rat trigeminal ganglion. Brain Res 1999; 842: 84-91. 40. Újpál M, Matos O, Bíbok G, Szabó G: A diabetes mellitus előfor­dulása malignus szájüregi daganatos betegekben. Orv Hetil2002; 143: 2731-2733. 41. Újpál M, Matos O, Bíbok G, Somogyi A, Szabó G, Suba Z: Diabetes and oral tumors in Hungary. Diabetes care 2004; 27: 770-774. 42. Willars GB, Calcutt NA, Compton AM, Tomlinson DR, Keen P: Substance P levels in peripheral nerve, skin atrial myocardium and gastrointestinal tract of rats with long term diabetes mellitus. Effect of aldose reductase inhibition. J Neurol Sei 1989; 91:153-164. 43. Wisocki GP, Daley TD: Benign migratory glossitis in patients with juvenile diabetes. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1987; 63: 68-70. 44. Yuan A, Sasaki T, Kumar A, Peterhoff CM, Rao MV, Liem RK, Ju­lien JP, Nixon A: Peripherin is a subunit of peripheral nerve neu­rofilament: implications for differential vulnerability of CNS and PNS axons. J Neurosci20t2; 32: 8501-8508. Kispélyi B, Altdorfer K, Fehér E Changes of the innervation in the mucous membrane and glands of the tongue in diabetes mellitus The number of the different neuropeptides-containing nerve fibres and immunocompetent cells was changed in diabe­tes mellitus (DM) in different organs. In this work we investigated the effect of DM on quantitation of the nerve fibres using immunhistochemistry. After two weeks of the DM the quantitiy of the different nerve fibres increased significantly both in the mucous membrane and glands of the tongue. The number of the immunocompetent cells (lymphocytes, plasma cells, mast cells) increased as well significantly. Some of these cells showed also immunoreactivity for substance P and neuropeptide Y. A few substance P cells were in very close relation to the SP immunoreactive nerve fibres. After four weeks of DM the number of the nerve fibres was decreased compared to the 2 weeks treatment, however, the number of them was higher compared to the control. The close relation between the nerve fibres and immunocells might play a crutial role in maintaining the homeostasis the mucous membrane and glands of the tongue as well as in the increas­ing inflammation and elimination of it. Key words: Substance P, Neuropeptid Y, mucous membrane of the tongue, neuroimmunomodulation

