Fogorvosi szemle, 2015 (108. évfolyam, 1-4. szám)
2015-03-01 / 1. szám
18 FOGORVOSI SZEMLE ■ 108. évf. 1. sz. 2015. Bakó J, Kelemen M, Szalóki M, Vitályos G, Radios T, Hegedűs C Analysis of the binding properties of leachable components of base plate by Fourier-Transform Surface Plasmon Resonance (FT-SPR) method In parallel with the emergence of new dental materials the number of allergic diseases is continuously increasing. Extremely small quantities of the allergens are capable to inducing an allergic reaction. Therefore it is particularly important to examine these materials as antigens and investigate their binding properties to proteins (e.g. formaldehyde, methacrylic acid, benzoyl-peroxide...). The Fourier Transform Surface Plasmon Resonance Spectroscopy (FT-SPR) is a suitable examination method for this type of procedure. FT-SPR measurement is performed at a fixed angel of incident light, and reflectivity is measured over a range of wavelength in the near infrared. The advantages of this method are the outstanding sensitivity, the label-free detection capability and the possibility of the real-time testing procedure. Formaldehyde and methacrylic acid are among the most common dental allergens. In our study we examined these molecules by FT-SPR spectroscopy. The aim of this work was to investigate the suitability of this method to the detection of these materials, with special focuses on the analysis and evaluation concentration-dependent measurements. Different concentrations (0,01 %—0,2%) of formaldehyde and methacrylic acid solutions were measured. The individual spectra were measured for all of the solutions, and calibration curves were calculated for the materials for the possibility of the determination of an unknown concentration. The results confirmed that the method is theoretically capable to detect hundred-thousandths scale concentration-changes in the solution flowing above the SPR-chip. The concentrationdependent studies had proved that the method capable to measure directly these materials and can provide appropriate calibration for quantitative determination. These experiments show the broad applicability of the FT-SPR method, which can greatly facilitate the mapping and understanding of biomolecular interactions in the future. Keywords: formaldehyde, methacrylic acid, allergens, Fourier Transform Surface Plasmon Resonance Spectroscopy (FT-SPR) FOGPÓTLÁSTANI NAPOK Pécs, 2015. szeptember 24-26. Magyar Fogorvosok Egyesületének Fogpótlástani Társasága XXI. kongresszus és továbbképző tanfolyam \ fogpótlástan korszerű anyagai és technikái rovábbképző tanfolyam fogorvosok számára W15. szeptember 26. Prof. Dr. Hegedűs Csaba, elnök MFE Fogpótlástani Társasága Az érem két oldala: Aktuális témakörök a fogpótlástanban a fogorvos és a fogtechnikus szemszögéből Továbbképző tanfolyam fogorvosok és fogtechnikusok 2015. szeptember 24. Implantációs és digitális fogpótlástan a 21. A Magyar Fogorvosok Egyesületének Fogpótlástani Társaságának XXI. kongresszusa 2015. szeptember 25. Részletes tájékoztató és jelentkezési lap a Társaság honlapjáról: és a honlapról (Tel./Fax: +36 72 327 572, e-mail: