Fogorvosi szemle, 2013 (106. évfolyam, 1-4. szám)

2013-03-01 / 1. szám

38 FOGORVOSI SZEMLE ■ 106. évf. 1. sz. 2013. 53. Suba Zs, Takács D, Gyulai-Gaál Sz, Kovács K, Velich N, Szigeti K, Szabó G: Alveolar bone regeneration stimulated by a combination of platelet-rich plasma and Cerasorb graft in Beagle dogs. Histological and histomorphometric studies. Fogorv Szle (2004) 97: 143-149. 54. Suba Zs, Takács D, Matusovicz D, Fazekas A, Szabó Gy, Barabás J: Quantitative and qualitative comparison of the maxillary bone re­generation after beta-tricalcium phosphate and autogenous bone im­plantation. Fogorv Szle (2006) 99: 21-28. 55. Suba Zs, Gyulai-Gaál Sz: Az implantáció és a csontpótlás lehető­ségei a fogorvosi gyakorlatban. Gyógyszerészet (2009) 53: 661-665. 56. Szabó Gy, Suba Zs, Hrabák K, Barabás J, Németh Zs: Autogenous bone versus beta-tricalcium phosphate graft alone for bilateral sinus elevations (2- and 3-dimensional computed tomographic, histologic, and histomorphometric evaluations): preliminary results. Int J Oral Maxlllofac Implants (2001) 16: 681-692. 57. Szabó Gy (szerk.): Szájsebészet, maxillofaciális sebészet. Sem­melweis Kiadó, Budapest, 2004: 299-312. 58. Szabó Gy, Barabás J, Hrabák K, Suba Zs, Garagiola U, Kádár B: Autologer knochen versus ß-tricalcium phosphat allein eine radiolo­gische und histologische evaluation. Z Oral Implantologie (2005) 4: 2-8. 59. Szabó Gy, Huys L, Coulthard P, Maiorana C, Garagiola U, Bara­bás J, Németh Zs, Hrabák K, Suba Zs: A prospective multicenter ran­domized clinical trial of autogenous bone versus beta-tricalcium phosphate graft alone for bilateral sinus elevation: histologic and his­tomorphometric evaluation. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants (2005) 20: 371-381. 60. Urbán I, Caplanis N, Lozada JL: Simultaneous vertical guided bone regeneration and guided tissue regeneration in the posteri­or maxilla using recombinant human platelet-derived growth factor: a case report. J Oral Implantol (2009) 35: 251-256. 61. Urbán IA, Jovanovic SA, Lozada JL: Vertical ridge augmentation using guided bone regeneration (GBR) in three clinical scenarios prior to implant placement: a retrospective study of 35 patients 12 to 72 months after loading. Int J Oral Maxlllofac Implants (2009) 24: 502-510. 62. Urban IA, Lozada JL: A prospective study of implants placed in augmented sinuses with minimal and moderate residual crest­­al bone: results after 1 to 5 years. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants (2010) 25: 1203-1212. 63. Urbán IA, Nagursky H, Lozada JL: Horizontal ridge augmenta­tion with a resorbable membrane and particulated autogenous bone with or without anorganic bovine bone-derived mineral: a prospec­tive case series in 22 patients. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants (2011) 26: 404-414. 64. Vajdovich I, Bandula M, Tóth Z: Dental implantation at the max­illa with autologous bone transplantation. Fogorv Szle (2001) 94: 111-117. 65. Vajdovich I (szerk.): Dentális implantológia - Gyakorló fogorvo­sok részére. Semmelweis Kiadó, Budapest, 2008: 181-227. 66. Velich N, Hrabák K, Németh Zs, Barabás J, Szabó Gy: Correc­tion of maxillary atrophy with onlay-plasty. Fogorv Szle (2002) 95: 245-248. 67. Velich N, Szabó Gy: Application of platelet-rich plasma in oral surgery. Theoretical background and practical requirements-review. Fogorv Szle (2002) 95: 119-123. 68. Velich N, Tóth C, Szabó Gy: Complication connected with sinus elevations. Fogorv Szle (2002) 95: 205-208. 69. Velich N, Barabás J, Szabó Gy: About remodelling in connection with two cases of bone substitution. Fogorv Szle {2003) 96: 111-114. 70. Velich N, Szabó Gy: Bone substitution and remodeling of the jaw bones. A review. Fogorv Szle (2003) 96: 165-169. 71. Velich N, Tóth C, Szabó Gy: Clinical comparison of graft materials used for sinus elevation. Fogorv Szle (2003) 96: 33-35. 72. Velich N, Kovács K, Huszár T, Semjén G, Reiczigel J, Szabó G, Suba Z: The effect of platelet-rich plasma on new bone formation by augmentation with osseoconductive bone substitute material in beagle dogs. Fogorv Szle (2004) 97: 23-27. 73. Velich N, Németh Zs, Hrabák K, Suba Zs, Szabó Gy: Repair of bony defect with combination biomaterials. J Craniofac Surg (2004) 15: 11-15. 74. Velich N, Németh Zs, Tóth C, Szabó Gy: Long-term results with different bone substitutes used for sinus floor elevation. J Craniofac Surg (2004) 15: 38-41. 75. Velich N, Kádár B, Kiss G, Kovács K, Réti F, Szigeti K, Garagiola U, Szabó Gy: Effect of human organism on the oxide layer formed on ti­tanium osteosynthesis plates: a surface analytical study. J Craniofac Surg (2006) 17: 1144-1149. 76. Windisch P, Sculean A, Klein F, Tóth V, Gera I, Reich E, Eickholz P: Comparison of clinical, radiographic and histometric measure­ments following treatment with guided tissue regeneration or enam­el matrix proteins in human periodontal defects. J Periodontol (2002) 73: 409-417. 77. Windisch P: (2003) Complex Analysis of Periodontal Regenera­tive Procedures Doktori értekezés. Budapest, Semmelweis Univer­sity. 78. Windisch P, Szendrői-Kiss D, Horváth A, Suba Z, Gera I, Sculean A: Reconstructive periodontal therapy with simultaneous ridge aug­mentation. A clinical and histological case series report. Clin Oral In­­vestig (2008) 12: 257-264. Dr. Kivovics M: „Osteobiol” and other bone graft materials used in Hungary (Reading( In the first part of a series of publications in connection with different bone graft materials we review the literature by hun­­garian authors in the topic. In the last 10 years (2001-2011) 12 articles were published in the Fogorvosi Szemle and 11 articles in other Hungarian journals. 34 articles were published by Hungarian authors in foreign journals. These articles present results with autologous bone, bovine xenografts and synthetic bone graft materials. The literature concludes that ß-tricalcium phosphate and all previously mentioned materials present satisfactory results in bone augmentation procedures. Based on histological and histomorphometrical analysis in the case of large bony defects (large cysts, sinus elevation) the use of ß-tricalcium phosphate ensures better long term results in terms of „re­building” of the bone. We present a bone graft material new in Hungary: „Osteobiol”, which differs from other bone graft materials in the sense it is a mixture of porcine bone and collagen. The authors summerize the material science of different bone graft materi­als including „Osteobiol”. Key words: bone graft material, bone substitution, sinus elevation, hidroxyapatite, ß-tricalcium phosphate, collagen, his­tology, histomorphometric analysis

