Fogorvosi szemle, 2012 (105. évfolyam, 1-4. szám)

2012-03-01 / 1. szám

8 FOGORVOSI SZEMLE 105. évf. 1.SZ. 2012. 13. Sebestyén A, Boncz I, Dózsa Cs, Pál M, Bánóczy J: Fogászati pre­ventív vizsgálatok Magyarországon. Informatika és Menedzsment az Egészségügyben 2003, 2: 15-22. 14. Sebestyén A, Boncz I, Pál M: Fogászati preventív vizsgálatok a Dél- Dunántúlon. Egészségügyi Menedzsment 2002, 4: 61-65. 15. Vágó P: Az egészségbiztosítási rendszer anomáliái 2. rész. Ma­gyar Fogorvos 2009; 18: 148-149. 16. Widström E, Eaton KA, Borutta A, Dybizbánska E, Broukal Z: Oral healthcare in transition in Eastern Europe. Br Dent J 2001 ; 190: 580-584. 17. Widström E, Eaton KA: Oral healthcare systems in the extended European union. Oral Health Prev Dent 2004; 2: 155-194. 18. Widström E, Ekman A, Aandahl LS, Pedersen MM, Agustsdottir H, Eaton KA: Developments in oral health policy in the Nordic countries since 1990. Oral Health Prev Dent 2005; 3: 225-235. Dr. Marada Gy, Dr. Nagy Á, Dr. Benke B, Dr. Boncz I: Health insurance reimbursement of dental care in Hungary The aim of this study was to assess the annual health insurance reimbursement of dental health service in Hungary. The assessment base of the study was the annual reports of National Health Insurance Fund Administration (OEP). Only the data collected from the services in contractual relationship with the OEP and delivered in 2008 were evaluated. Dental care services are organised in different levels: general dental service, specialist dental care, special dental care on university level and inpatient departments. Our study covers primary, outpatient and hospital dental care. Dental care was supplied by 3.378 general and specialist dental care services at the end of 2008. For the hospital treatment of more serious cases 17 inpatient departments are available with 154 patient beds. Within the period of examination (2008) 23.6 million interventions were carried out in 7.6 million cases. The total health insurance reimbursement of dental care (including primary, outpatient and hospital care) was 24.92 billion HUF (88.82 million Euro) in 2008. The health insurance reimbursement of dental care in Hungary is approximately 2% of the total health insurance expenditures of the National Health Insurance Fund Administration (OEP). Within the period under investigation, the health insurance reimbursement of dental care did not change significantly. HUF / EUR average exchange rate in 2008: 280,576892430279 (source: MNB) Key words: reimbursement, dental care, health insurance

