Fogorvosi szemle, 2006 (99. évfolyam, 1-6. szám)

2006-02-01 / 1. szám

6 Sugars RV, Karner E, Ahrlund-Richter L, Wendel M: Human embryonic stem cells ànd their potential to differentiate into functional osteoblasts.......................................................................... 81 Suzuki K, Kozawa Y: Identification of dentition and tooth replacement of extinct mammals -in case of desmostylus cheek teeth (mammalia: desmostylia)................................................................ 80 Trefnÿ P, Smahel Z, Peterka M: Maxillofacial growth and development in unilateral cleft lip and palate after primary periosteoplasty............................................................................................................ 82 Trefnÿ P, Smahel Z, Peterka M: Maxillofacial growth and development in unilateral cleft lip and palate after primary periosteoplasty............................................................................................................ 83 Turzó K, Pelsőczi IK, Gergely C, Fazekas A, Cuisinier F: Structural characterization of poly-electrolyte multilayers by atomic force microscope........................................................................... 84 Vanden Bos T: Quantitative 2d-electrophoresis: a new promising technique................................................... 83 Vereb Gy: Modern microscopic approaches in the investigation of molecular interactions............................. 83 Wang X-P, Suomalainen M, Jorgez CJ, Matzuk MM, Werner S, Thesleff I: Bmp4 is a major inducer of ameloblast differentiation and enamel formation ......................................................... 82 Yamamoto H, Cho S, Kim E, Kim J-Y, Kozawa Y, Jung H-S: Developmental studies on the hertwig’s epithelial root sheath in mice....................................................................................................................... 83 Zerbo IR, Bronckers ALJJ, De Boer A, Delange GL, Zijderveld SA, Ten Bruggenkate CM, Burger EH: Histomorphometry of human sinus floor augmentation using a porous beta-tricalcium phosphate.... 68

