Fogorvosi szemle, 2005 (98. évfolyam, 1-6. szám)

2005-02-01 / 1. szám

30 FOGORVOSI SZEMLE 98. évf. 1. sz. 2005. 2. Akcay A, Altun B, Usalan C, et al: Rhinooerebral mucormycosis in a patient with membranosus glomeluronephritis. Nephron 2000; 86: 3, 352-353. 3. Bachor R, Baczako K, Ker n W: Isolierte Cerebrale Mucormykose bei leukamie. Mykosen 1986; 29: 497-501. 4. Boel aert JR, VergauwePL, VandepitteJM: Mucormycosis infec­tion in dialysis patients. Ann Intern Med 1987; 107: 782-783. 5. Br ennan RO, Cr ain BJ, Pr oct or AM, Dur ack DT: Cunninghamel­­la: a newly recognized cause of rhinocerebral mocormycosis. Am J Clin Pathol 1983; 80: 98-102. 6. Cagatay AA, Oncu SS.Cal angu SS, et al : Rhinocerebral mucor­mycosis treated with 32 gram liposomal ampotericin B and incomplete surgery: a case report. BMC Infect Dis (England) 2001 ; 1: 1,22. 7. Dokrretas HS, Canbay E, Yl rrazS, et al : Diabetic ketoacidosis and rhino-orbital mucormycosis. Diabetes Res Clin Part (Ireland) 2002; 57: 2, 139-142. 8. Doty Cl, Lucchesi M: Mocormycosis manifesting as proptosis and unilateral blindness. Acad Emerg Med (United States) 2000; 7: 8, 944-946. 9. Fer r y AP, Abedi S: Diagnosis and management of rhino-orbito­­cerebral mucormycosis (phycomycosis): a report of 16 personally observed cases. Ophtalmology 1983; 90:1096-1104. 10. Füle Erzsébet dr, Elek Ibolya dr, László Árpád dr, Szócska j ános dr : Rhinocerebrális mucormycosis gyógyult esete. Fül-orr­­gégegyógyászat 1966; 42: 3, 143-147. 11. Georgopoulou S, Kounouger i E, Kát senos C, et al : Rhinocereb­ral mucormycosis in a patient with cirrhosis and chronic renal failure. Hepetogastroenterology (Greece) 2003; 50: 51, 843-845. 12. Gergely Lajos szerk.: Orvosi Mikrobiológia. Semmelweis Kiadó, Bp„ 1999. 13. Johnson TE: Fungaldisease ofthe ofbit. Ophtalmol Clin North Am 2000; 13:643-656. 14. Kof ter idis DP, Kar abekios S, Panagiot ides JG, et al : Successful treatment of rhinocerebral mucormycosis with liposomal amphoteri­cin B and surgery in two diabetic patients with renal dysfunction. J Chemother (Italy) 2003; 15: 3, 282-286. 15. Nancy Leettaris MD És mtsai: Case Recofds ofthe Massachu­setts GenefalHospital Case 9-2000. N Engl J Med 2002; 346: 12, 924-929. 16. Needl es CF, Gil bért GJ, DamrinTC: Case 9-2002: orbital mocor­mycosis. N Engl J Med (United States) 2002; 347:11,855-856. 17. Ner i G, Ciardo MG, Groce A: Rhinocerebral mocormycosis: report of a rare case in the head-neck and chest area. Acta Otorhinolaryngol Ital2002; 22: 1,28-33. 18. Mui MY Wang PY, Chia LG, et al : Rhinocerebral mucormycosis: report of two cases. Zhonghua Yi Xue Za Zhi (Taipei) 1990; 46: 1, 57-60. 19. Pácz Z dr, Czappán Gy dr : Nyaki regióra lokalizált fascitis nekro­­tizans. Orv Het 1984; 125: 2, 97-99. 20. Sel I arri-Boudawara T, GouiaaN, Charfeddine I, et al: Facial mucormycosis: observations from three cases. Rev Stomatol Chir Maxillofac (France) 2002; 103: 6, 369-372. 21. Tryfon S, Stanopoulus I, Kakavel as E, et al: Rhinocerebral mucormycosis in a patient with latent diabetes mellitus: a case report. J Oral Maxillofac Surg (United States) 2002; 60: 3, 328-330. 22. Tsaousis G, Koutsour i A, Gatsiou C, et al : Liverand brain mucor­mycosis in a diabetic patient type II succesfully treated with lipo­­somial amphotericin B. Scand J Infect Dis (Sweden) 2000; 32: 3, 335-337. PÁcz Z, Balázs Gy, Csíky M: A case of healed orbito-facial mucormycosis with dental origin A case and the treatment of a 42-year-old male patient with orbito-facial mucormycosis are presented by the authors. The most important steps in the treatment of this opportunistic infection - with a lethality rate of 30-50 % - are as fol­lows: immediate diagnosis, specific antimycotic therapy (Amphotericin-B treatment), a series of extensive surgical inter­ventions and adequate control of patient’s diabetes mellitus. Keywords: Amphotericin-B, diabetes, mucormycosis, necrectomia, reconstructive surgery

