Fogorvosi szemle, 2005 (98. évfolyam, 1-6. szám)

2005-02-01 / 1. szám

25 FOGORVOSI SZEMLE ■ 98. évf. 1. sz. 2005. felmérés nem tekinthető reprezentatívnak. A magas rizi­kócsoportokba tartozó páciensek nagy aránya a klinikák beteganyagának speciális összetételére mutat rá. Irodalom 1. Balogh K, Molnár L, Schranz D, Huszár Gy: Gerostomatologie. Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, 1962; 11-20. 2. De Jong KJM, Abraham-Inpun L: A risk related patient - admin­istered medical questionnaire for dental practise. Int DentJ 1994; 44(5): 471-479. 3. De Jong KJM, Oosting J, Abraham-Inpun L: Medical Risk Classi­fication of Dental Patients in the Netherlands. J Public Health Dent 1993; 53(4): 219-222 . 4. DÉsi I: Népegészségtan. Semmelweis Kiadó, Budapest, 1998; 41-47. 5. Fejérdy P, Fábián T, Somogyi E, Lindeisz: Az időskorúak fogaza­­ti állapotának jellemzői Magyarországon, szűrővizsgálat alapján. Fogorv Szle 2000; 93: 305-312. 6. Hollán Zs (szerk.): Orvosi lexikon. Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, 1967; 156. 7. Magyar Statisztikai Évkönyv. KSH, 2000; 153-159. 8. Síró B, Bodor Cs: Gyakorlati geriátria. Springer Orvosi Kiadó, 1996; 19-33, 45-46, 70-234. Kozák L, Ábrám E, Kivovics P: Exploration of Risk Factors by Questionnaire at Elderly Patients The medical and dental history is one of the crucial part of the routine dental practice. According to a survey performed in 2001 27% of the total Hungarian population was above the age of 60. The prognosis forecasts an increasing tendency in life expectancy and an even higher percentage of elderly population in the foreseeable future. Due to the increasing life expectancy the risk for complications of common dental treatments is also increasing. More care and attention should be paid to anticipate the occurrence of sudden complications during dental treatment that might also be a life threaten­ing condition. In 1941 the American Dental Association drew up a questionnaire based on the risk groups established by the American Society of Anaesthesiologists (ASA). In 1993 K.J.M. de Jong et al. presented the results of their experi­ence with the clinical application of these questionnaires. Based on their studies the Dental Working Group of the Health Committee of the European Council recommended the European application of this questionnaire. The major objective of our investigation was to evaluate how this questionnaire - developed by ASA - can assist the proper registration of the medical history in dental practice. Our survey also investigated how the risk groups distributed among the subjects. The data of 207 randomly selected individuals from the patient pool of the Dental Faculty of Semmelweis University were processed. The data of risk groups distribution is outlined here: ASAI:35,8%, ASAII:24%, ASAIII:17%, ASAIV:23,2%. In the age group 60+the following distributions were obtained: ASAI:20,9%, ASAII:13,2%, ASAIII:24,2%, and ASAIV:41,7%. The results of this survey also confirmed that the occurrence of ASAIII and ASAIV risk scores increased in the age of 60+. Consequently the number of patients whose treatment plan should be modified due to health risk fac­tors is also increasing. It can be stated that the ASA classification is appropriate to inform the dentist about the general physical status and health problems of the patients that may influence the dental treatment. Key words: gerontology, gerostomatology, risk factors, statistical data

