Fogorvosi szemle, 2004 (97. évfolyam, 1-6. szám)

2004-12-01 / 6. szám

229 FOGORVOSI SZEMLE ■ 97. évf. 6. sz. 2004. 10. Gera I: Periodontal Treatment Needs in Central and Eastern Euro­pe. J Int Acad of Periodontol 2000; 2/4:120-128. 11. Kalsbeek H, Truin GJ, Rossum GMJM van, Rijkom HM van, Poor­­terman JHG, Verrips GH: Trends in Caries Prevalence in Dutch Adults between 1983 and 1995. Caries Res 1998; 32:160-165. 12. Kalsbeek H, Poorterman JHG, Verrips GH, EijkmanN MAJ: Chan­ges in Caries Prevalence in Dutch Juveniles. Caries Res 2000; 34, 312. 13. Künzel W: Gerostomatologie. Berlin (W), Quintessenz-Verlag 1989. 14. Künzel W et al: Multinationale Studie zur Ermittlung des gerosto­­ma-tologischen Behandlungsbedarfs - Ergebnisse und Empfehlun­gen; Erfurt 1994. 15. Künzel W: Trends in coronal caries prevalence in Eastern Euro­pe: Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, Romania, Bulgaria and the former States of the USSR. Int Dent J 1996, 46; 204-210. 16. Künzel W: A caries epidemiológiájának változása és iránya Euró­pában. Fogorv Szle 2001; 94: 47-52. 17. Loveren C van, Duggal MS: The role of diet in caries prevention. Int Dent J 2001; 51: 399-406. 18. Madlena M, Gábris K, Nagy G, Márton S, Gál N, Keszthelti G, Bánóczy J: Összehasonlító caries epidemiológiai vizsgálatok serdülő­korú fiatalokban. Fogorv Szle 2001; 1: 21-25. 19. Marthaler TM, O’Mullane DM, Vrbic V: The Prevalence of Dental Caries in Europe 1990-1995. Caries Res 1996; 30: 237-255. 20. Petersen PE, Christensen LB, Möller IJ, Staehr-Johansen K: Continuous imprevement of oral health in Europe. Journal of the Irish Dental Association 1994; 40:105-107. 21. Petersen PE, Tanase M: Oral health status of an industrial popu­lation in Romania; Int Dent J1997; 47:194-198. 22. Pilot T, Myazaki H: Periodontal conditions in Europe. J Clin Perio­­donto/1991; 18: 353-357. 23.Schranz D: Gerostomatológiai vizsgálatok Pécs-Baranyában. Fogorv Szle 1969; 62: 289. 24. Schranz D: Geroprotetikai vizsgálatok és eredmények az elmúlt tíz évben. Fogorv Szle 1978; 71: 90. 25.Szőke J, Petersen PE: A gyermekpopuláció orális egészsége. I. Hazai helyzetkép a WHO Orális Adatbank számára 1996-ban végzett epidemiológiai vizsgálatok alapján. Fogorv Szle 1998; 91: 305-314. 26. Szőke J, Petersen PE: Evidence for dental caries decline among chlildren in an East European country (Hungary). Community Dent Oral Epidemiol2000; 28:155-160. 27. Szőke J, Petersen PE: Epidemiológiai vizsgálatok a hazai 18 éves populációban. Fogorv Szle 2001; 5:185-190. 28. Tóth K: Felnőttek fogazatának állapota Szegeden. Fogorv Szle 1962; 55:138-144. 29. Vrbic V: Reasons for caries decline in Slovenia. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol2000; 28:126-132. 30. Vass Z, Büchler J, Orsós S: A cariesintenzitás fokozódása. (Ba­lassagyarmati vizsgálatok.) Fogorv Szle 1984; 77:195. 31. Vágó P, Deák J, Bruncsics Z, Szabó J: A fogazat egészségi álla­potának regionális epidemiológiai vizsgálata. Fogorv Szle 2000; 93: 53-59. 32. World Health Organization, Report of a WHO expert communitee: Prevention methods and programmes for oral diseases. WHO Tech­nical Report Series 713. Geneva, 1984. 33. World Health Organization: Oral Health Surveys. Basic Methods. Third edition. 14/HOGeneva, 1987. 34. World Health Organization: Global Data on dental caries levels for 35-44 years. WH01997. 35. WHO Global Data Bank, 1994: Observed periodontal conditions measured by CPITN at age 35-44 years Szőke J, Petersen PE: Oral health status of adults and the elderly in Hungary The purpose of this survey was to assess the oral health situation of the Hungarian adult and elderly population at the turn of the millennium and to compare the data with the results of previous surveys. A total of 1627 male and female indi­viduals were clinically examined at 17 sample sites according to the WHO basic criteria using the pathfinder methodo­logy. National epidemiological examinations (pathfinder surveys) were carried out in 1985,1991 and 2000 in adults. But nationwide oral data among 65-74-year-olds were never collected before 2000. It is strongly suggested by World Health Organization to undertake a regular epidemiological survey in 5-year intervals to monitor changes in oral health of the key-age groups. During recent years, in children, a dramatic caries decline has been observed. In adults, however, a similar change has not occurred although other important favourable trends have been documented as well. The basic findings were: The mean DMFT score was high, and strongly influenced by MT. At age 35-44, the caries prevalence was 15.7 DMFT and at 65-74 it was 23.3 DMFT. For non-smokers, the MT mean value was 8.7, and for smokers 10.8. Forthose who had smoked more than 20 years the MT mean value was 12.7. The periodontal condition of both age groups was poor. Of the adult sample only 4.5% had healthy gingiva and 25.2% had at least 3 healthy sextants. Between 1985 and 2000, the percentage of edentulous adult persons increased from 0.3 to 1.4 and in 2000 the ratio of edentulous persons among elderly was 26%. The population’s need for treatment at all levels (restorative, periodontal and prosthetic) was enormous. The authors concluded that in Hungary “health for all” efforts have been inadequate. Greater emphasis on risk- and pre­ventive orientated praxis and management is needed; increased individual activities and financial support are also requ­ired. Key words: adults, epidemiology, caries, CPITN, edentulousness

