Fogorvosi szemle, 2004 (97. évfolyam, 1-6. szám)
2004-02-01 / 1. szám
50 - FOGORVOSI SZEMLE ■ 97. évf. 1. sz. 2004. level, probing pocket depth and bleeding on probing. 5. If disease activity recurs, immediate cause related treatment should be initiated. Several follow up studies have proven the value of the regular professional maintenance programs and showed that with perfect individual home care the periodontal health can be maintained for a long period of time even after severe periodontal destruction. The objective of this continuing educational lecture to summarize the indication and time sequence of the professional maintenance program and also to overview the international and domestic literature data relating the late results of the professional maintenance. NEW APPROACHES OF INTERDENTAL PLAQUE CONTROL GERA István Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary The most important tool of individual plaque control is still the conventional manual toothbrush. Only the regular flossing can maintain plaque free interdental embrasure spaces. Unfortunately only few people are flossing regularly. The latest generations of electric toothbrushes are more effective in interdental plaque removal, although electric toothbrushes cannot totally replace the manual toothbrushes. The new Cross Action toothbrush family was developed by the researches of the Oral B laboratory based on the laboratory studies conducted on the kinetics of the movement of the elementary bristles. Later many other manufacturers adapted the same toothbrush design. Both the clinical and laboratory tests proved a superior interdentlal penetration and plaque removing effect by the Cross Action type toothbrushes as compared to other conventional designs. Dental students were volunteers of a two week study at the Department of Periodontology, in which the plaque removing effects of the Cross Action toothbrush was studied without any additional dental education to be provided to the subjects. The toothbrush was singnificantly more effecting in reducing interdental plaque on the buccal surfaces of the dentition as compared to conventional multitufted brushes. On the lingual surfaces there were no significant differences between test and control toothbrushes. The results indicate that without proper oral hygienic education even the latest toothbrush design cannot achieve proper plaque reduction. DENTAL CARE AND PRETERM BIRTH GORZÓ István, RADNAI Márta, ELLER József, NOVÁK Tibor, PÁL Attila, URBÁN Edit, NAGY Erzsébet Szeged University of Sciences, Szeged, Hungary In Hungary, it is obligatory for pregnant women to attend dental screening examination during the first trimester of pregnancy. According to Health Insurance Fund data, however, the rate of presentation of pregnant women at the dentists is only 15%, but the number of expectant women who go to see a private dental office is not known. Preterm birth and low birth weight have a frequency of 8% in Hungary, which has not changed for 20 years. Besides the known risk factors, other factors also might play a role in preterm low birth weight (PLBW) deliveries. It is well known that PLBW can cause a lot of problems, such as higher infant mortality rate, more frequent developmental disorders, chronic respiratory diseases, cerebral palsy, learning difficulties etc. In 1996, Offenbacher et al. suggested a possible connection between periodontitis and PLBW infants. Since 1996 many epidemiological examinations have supported this idea, while a few held opposing opinions. However, besides the epidemiological studies, immunological findings also support a possible connection between the mother’s periodontitis and PLBW. Furthermore, it has been demonstrated in animal trials that chronic exposure to periodontal pathogens may cause feto-placental toxicity. Jeffeoat et al. pointed out that preventive professional periodontal treatment may decrease PLBW. The presentation will discuss the presumed pathomechanism. It is believed that periodontal treatment not only can stop the progression of periodontal disease, but also may prevent the infection of the fetus and placenta. PREVENTION OF SYSTEMIC DISEASES BY ORAL PROPHYLAXIS GORZÓ István Szeged University of Sciences, Szeged, Hungary There is a growing body of evidence to suggest that the inflammatory diseases of the teeth may cause secondary diseases in near and distant tissues and organs. Dental inflammations are considered focal infections which can spread directly or indirectly causing disease in distant organs. In English publications on focal infections during the last 20 years, the most frequent primary sources of infection were of dental and periodontal origin. Some of the secondary diseases have been proved, while others are only suspected, but an increasing number of examinations has found close relationship between chronic dental inflammation and the developed systemic disease. Diseases that have been proved include rheumatoid fever, pustulosis palmo-plantaris, certain types of glomerulonephritis, erythema multiforme and the infection of joint implants as well. In these cases, elimination of the focal inflammation/ microorganism will lead to recovery of the patient. Diseases in the group where the connection between infection and systemic diseases is only partly proved include alopecia areata, erythema nodosum, endogen uveitis, chronic urticary, rosacea. Only some of these diseases will heal by antimicrobial