Fogorvosi szemle, 2004 (97. évfolyam, 1-6. szám)

2004-02-01 / 1. szám

27 FOGORVOSI SZEMLE ■ 97. évf. 1. sz. 2004. 9. Carlson ER: Bone grafting the jaws in the 21th century: The use of platelet-rich plasma and bone morphogenetic protein. Alpha Ome­gán 2000; 3: 26-30. 10. Frame JW, Brady CL, Browne RM : Augmentation of the edentu­lous mandible using bone and hydroxyapatite: a comparative study in dogs. IntJ Oral Surg 1981; 10: S88-92 . 11. Frame JW, Browne RM, Brady CL: Biologic basis for interpositio­­nal autogenous bone grafts to the mandible. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 1982;40:407-411. 12. Gera I, Dori F, Keglevich T, Sculean A És mtsai: A ß tri-calcium phosphate (Cerasorb) klinikai alkalmazásával nyert tapasztalatok humán parodontális csonthiányok pótlásában. Fogorv Szle 2002; 95:143-148. 13. Haris AG, Szabo G, Ashman A, Divinyi T és mtsai: Five-year 224- patient prospective histological study of clinical application using a synthetic bone alloplast. Implant Dent 1998; 7: 287-299. 14. 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Velich N, Kovács K, Huszár T, Semjén G, Reiczigel J, Szabó Gy, Suba Zs: The effect of platelet-rich plasma on new bone formation by augmentation with osseoconductive bone substitute material in beagle dogs Animal experiments were carried out with ostoconductive bone substitute ß-tricalcium phosphate (ß-TCP), with the aim of assessing the effect of the growth factors synthetised by platelets on the speed of ß-TCP incorporation and on the quality of newly formed bone. The question arises whether the results attained with this synthetic material approach are compa­rable to those attained with autologous bone. Defects in the mandibles of beagle dogs were filled with ß-TCP or with the mixture of ß-TCP and platelet rich plasma (PRP) obtained from autologous blood. The quality of the newly formed bone and the effect of PRP were studied by histologic and histomorphometric methods. On the 6th week, bone formation see­med to be more effective when PRP was applied in comparison with ß-TCP alone, but the difference was not significant. On the 12th week bone formation was significantly greater. The results demonstrate that the use of PRP accelerates the remodelling of the synthetic bone-substitute material ß-TCP. Keywords: bone substitution, platelet-rich plasma, ß-TCP, remodelling, histomorphometry

