Fogorvosi szemle, 2001 (94. évfolyam, 1-6. szám)
2001-02-01 / 1. szám
FOGORVOSI SZEMLE ■ 94. évf. 1. sz. 2001. 25 8. Glass RL. (szerk.): The first international conference on the declining prevalence of dental caries. J Dent Res. 1982; 61: 1301-1305. 9. Hansell S, Mechanic D: Parent and peer effects on adolescent health behavior. In: Hurrelman K. Losei F. (szerk.) Health hazards in adolescence. New York, Walter de Gruyter, 1990; 43-66. 10. Kay EJ, Locker D: Is dental health education effective? A systematic review of current evidence. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 1996; 24: 231-235. 11. Kedjarune U, Migasena P, Changbumrung S, Pongpaew P, TUNGTRONGCHITR R: Flow rate and composition of whole saliva in children from rural and urban Thailand with different caries prevalence and dietary intake. Caries Res 1997; 31: 148-154. 12. Larsson B, Johansson I, Ericson T: Prevalence of caries adolescent in relation to diet. Community Dent Oral Epidemot 1992; 20: 133-137. 13. Mandall NA, McCord JF, Blinkhorn AS, Worthington HV, and O'Brien KD: Does the ethnicity of teenager children influence oral self perception and prevalence of dental disease? Brit Dent J 1998; 185: 358-362. 14. Marthaler TM, O’Mullane DM, Vrbic V: The prevalence of dental caries in Europe 1990-1996. Caries Res 1996; 30: 237-255. 15. Murray JJ: The changing pattern of dental disease. In: Murray JJ (szerk.). Prevention of Oral Diseases. Oxford University Press, Oxford 1996. 250-266. 16. Petridou E, Athanassouli T, Panagopoulos H, Revinthi K: Sociodemographic and dietary factors in relation to dental health among Greek adolescents. Community Dent Oral Epidemo11996; 24: 307-311. 17. Poulsen S: Dental caries in Danish children and adolescent 1988-94. Community Dent Oral Epidemot 1996; 24: 282-285. 18. Raitio M, Pienihakkinen K, Scheinin A: Assessment of single risk indicators in relation to caries increment in adolescents. Acfa Odontol Scand 1996; 54: 113-117. 19. Saemundsson SR, Bergmann H, Magnusdottîr MO, Holbrook WP: Dental caries and Streptococcus mutans in a rural child population in Iceland. Scand J Dent Res 1992; 100: 299-303. 20. Sundin B: Caries and consumption of sweets in 15 and 18 year olds interviewed with visualization. Scand J Dent Res 1990; 98: 96-101. 21. Sutton S: The past predicts the future: interpreting behaviorbehavior relationships in social psychological models of health behaviors. In: Rutter DR, Quinel L (szerk.): Social Psychology and health: European perspectives. Aldershot: Averbury, 1994; 47-70. 22. Szőke J, Pienihakkinen K, Esztári I, Bánóczy J, Scheinin A: Collaborative WHO xylitol field studies in Hungary V. Three-year development of oral hygiene. Acta Odontol Scand 1985; 43: 371-376. 23. Szőke J, Petersen PE: Evidence for dental caries decline among children in an East European country (Hungary). Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 2000; 28: 155-160. 24. Vehkalahti M, Nijula-Sarakorpi E, Paunio I: Evalution of salivary test and dental status in the prediction of caries increment in caries-susceptible teenagers. Caries Res 1996; 30: 22-28. 25. Vehkalahti M, Tarkkonen L, Varsio S, Heikkila P: Decrease in and Polarization of Dental Caries Occurance among Child and Youth Populations, 1976-1993. Caries Res 1997; 31: 161-165. 26. Weissenbach M, Chau N, Benamghar L, Lion C, Schwaetz F, Vadot J: Oral health in adolescents from a small French town. Community Dent Oral Epidemol 1995; 23: 147-154. 27. World Health Organization: Oral Health Surveys. Basic Methods. 4th ed., Geneva, 1997. Dr. Madléna M, Dr. Gábris K, Dr. NagyG, Márton S, GálN, Dr. Keszthelyig., Dr. Bánóczy J: Caries epidemiological examinations in adolescents The aim of the study was to assess the caries prevalence and oral hygiene in groups of adolescents living in two Hungarian towns and to establish correlations with socio-economical factors. Examinations of caries and oral hygiene were performed in 586 14-16-year-old children. The percentage of caries free children was 5.1%, the DMFT and DMFS values were 6.97 ± 4.67 and 9.95 ± 7.94 respectively. The VPI index was 41.6 ± 32.7% (mean ± S.D.), and showed positive correlation with the caries prevalence. The DMFT and DMFS values, as well as VPI decreased as the educational level of the father had increased. The number of siblings had a worsening effect on DMFT, DMFS and VPI values. Key words: adolescents, caries epidemiology, VPI, socio-economical factors