Fogorvosi szemle, 1997 (90. évfolyam, 1-12. szám)
1997-02-01 / 2. szám
Ilii I- -Dr. Alberth, М., dr. Szilágyi, Z., dr. Páti, S., dr. Redi, P.: Infant aged child’s jaw bone fracture Maxillofacial fractures under 10 years of age are uncommon, with an occurarence of 7,3%. Isolated fractures of the mandible are even more rare, due to the fact that in young children the mandible is relatively small and resilient. Some authors suggest that the occurrence of this form of fracture is about 1-5%. Different methods have been described for treatment of fractures of the mandible in children. In the therapy since the introduction of titanium mini plates the trend has been to select surgical repositioning followed by osteosynthesis. This paper describes the management of a 7-month old boy with isolated mandibula fracture, using this method to avoide the damage of the tooth germs. Ibis particular case raises the issue of child abuse, which is on the increase in Hungary as well. To find a kind of solution would be not only a task of dentists but also of society in general. ......... Csomagolja: a N0V0PHARM Ltd. licence alapján a HUMANPHARMA Gyógyszergyártó Kft. 2100 Gödöllő Táncsics Mihály u. 82 OGYI eng.száma: 4120-21/40/93. További információval rendelkezésre áll a HUMAN Rt. Gyógyszerismertető Osztálya. 1107 Budapest Szállás u. 5 Tel.:262-7772 Fax.: 262-3416 АТС:J01C A04 Részletek az alkalmazási előiratban. 53