Fogorvosi szemle, 1993 (86. évfolyam, 1-11. szám)

1993-01-01 / 1. szám

tályszerkezet-módosító hatásainak felhasználására a fog keményszövetei­ben is. Kezdeti eredményeink bizonytalansága azonban jelzi, hogy további tisz­tázó kísérletek szükségesek a ritkaföldfémeknek a hidroxi-apatit-rácsba való beépülési mechanizmusának felderítésére. IRODALOM: 1. Bánóczy, J., Kiss, J., Bródy, A., Gintner, Z.. Albrecht, MStudies on the incorporation of lanthanides in dental hard tissues. J. Dent. Ass. South Af. 47, 197, 1992. - 2. Bánóczy, J., Kiss, J., Fehérváry, E., Gintner, Z., Albrecht, M Kristallchemische Aspecte der Remineralisation des Zahnschmelzes. 40, 200, 1990. — 3. Billy, В. G.: Test of the effect of fluoride containing dentifrices on dental caries. J. Dent. Res. 24, 297, 1945. — 4. Ericsson, YThe mechanism of monofluorophosphate action on hydroxy apatite and dental enamel. 21, 341. 1963. — 5. Featherstone, J. О. B.: Diffusion phenomena and enamel caries development. In: Guggenheim B. (ed.) Cariology 1983., Karger, Basel, 1984. p. 259. — 6. Fischke, C. It., Subbarow, YColourimetric determination of phosphorous. J. Biol. Chem. 66, 375, 1925. — 7. Hotz, P., Muhlemann, H. It.. Schait, A.: A new method of enamel biopsy for fluoride determination. Helv. Ódont. Acta 14, 26, 1970. — 8. Kiss, J., Bánóczy, J., Fehérváry, E., Gintner, Z., Albrecht, MProduction of cerium apatite in sound and carious enamel under in vitro conditions. Acta Morphol. Hung. 38, 61, 1990. — 9. Marthaler, T. M.: Confidence limit of results of clinical caries tests with fluoride administration. Caries Research 5, 343, 1971. - 10. Muhler, J. C., Radike, A. 11'., Nebercall, W. H., Day, H. G.: Effect of stannous fluoride containing dentifrices on caries reduction in children, II. Caries experience after one year. J. Am. Dent. Ass. 50, 163, 1955. — 11. Mundorff, S. A., Little, M. F., Bibby, B. G.: Enamel dissolution: II. Action of titanium tetrafluoride. J. Dent. Res. 51, 1567, 1972. - 12. Mühlemann, H. K.: Pharmakologie und Parodontologie. Schweiz. Monatsch. Zahnhlk. 85, 447, 1975. — 13. Mühlemann, H. R., Schmid, H., König, К. G.: Enamel solubility reduction studies with organic and inorganic fluorides. Helv. Ódont. Acta 1, 23, 1957. — 14. Sax, 1. N.: Dangerous properties of industrial materials. Sixth Ed. New York. 1984. Van Nostran Reinhold Со. XXIII. 3124 p. - 15. Shrestha, B. M.. Mundorff, S. A., Bibby, B. G.: Enamel dissolution: I. Effects of various agents and titanium tetrafluoride. J. Dent. Res. 51, 1561, 1972. — 16. Stabholz, A., Markitziu, A., Kogan, K., Deutsch, D., Gedalia, /.: Demineralisation and remineralisation of in vitro fluoridated human root surfaces. Clin. Prev. Dent. 9, 23, - 17. Teranaka, T., Mukai, Y., Negishi, H., Fujuhara, T., Iwatomo, T Effect on root surface demineralisation treated with fluoride lanthanum. J. Dent. Res. 70, 308, 1991. — 18. Tóth, Zs., Zimmermann, P., Bánóczy, J.: Enamel biopsy studies after five years’ consumption of fluoridated milk. Fluoride, 70. 71. 1987. Dr. Gintner, Z. and dr. Bánóczy, J.: Effect of rare-earth elements' (REE) containing toothpastes on the acid-solubility of human dental enamel, in vitro. The effect of different REE containing toothpastes has been studied on human dental enamel, in an experimental model, using diluted suspensions of toothpastes. The grade of remineralisation has been characterised bv the amount of dissolved phosphorus from the enamel samples. All the investigated-, REE containing toothpastes decreased the acid-solubility of dental enamel, the best results were found in the group of samarium-containing toothpastes. 6

