Fogorvosi szemle, 1993 (86. évfolyam, 1-11. szám)

1993-01-01 / 1. szám

— 30. Veien, N. К., Hattel, TJustesen, О., Norholm, A.: Oral challenge with metal salts (II). Various types of eczema. Contact Derm. 9, 407, 1983. — 31. Veien, N. K., Krogdahl, A.: Is nickel vasculitis a clinical entity. Current Topics in Contact Dermatitis. Eds.: P. J. Frosch, A. Dooms-Goossens, J.-M. Lachapelle, R. J. G. Rycroft, R. J. Scheper. Spinger Verlag 173. p. 1989. — 32. Vukán Gy., Vass Z., Temesvári E., Bay Z.: Fémallergiás betegek vizsgálata „Galvanodent” készülékkel. Fogtechnikai Szle. 53, 323, 1986. Dr. Vass, Z. and dr. Temesvári, E.: Computer analysable etiological card for registration of metal sensitive pacients' data. The authors describe a computer analysable etiological card used for registration of data of Ni hypersensitive pacients’ with oral symptoms. The collection and evaluation of the data related to the pathological changes and predisposing factors can be useful in prevention of devel­opment. of hypersensitivity or clinical symptoms of hypersensitivity in cases belonging to this risk group. 14

