Fogorvosi szemle, 1992 (85. évfolyam, 1-12. szám)

1992-01-01 / 1. szám

Res. 24, 384,1990.—15. Möller, I. J.: Caries status in Europe and prediction of future trends 2. Introduction. Caries Res. 24, 382,1990.—1 <5.Tóth, К.: Caries prevention by domestic salt fluoridation. Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, 1984.—17.Tóth К.,Mari A., Molnár E., Kiss Z., Sugár E.: A 3,6 és 12 éves gyermekek tej- és maradófogazatának kárieszfrekvenciája és intenzitása Csongrád megyében 1986-ban. II. A 6 és 12 éves gyermekek maradófogazatának állapota. Fogorv.Szle. 80, 331, 1987.—18. 1ráss Buck­ler J., Orsós S.: A cariesintenzitás fokozódása (Balassagvarmati vizsgálatok). Fogorvosi Szle. 77, 195, 1984. D г . Jolán Bánóczy: The state of the caries prevention in Hungary and other Europian countries Hungary belongs to those Europian countries where the intensity of caries is sill very high and the decline in the caries prevalense curve cannot be noticed. Nevertheless reduction in caries incidence were reported in regions with regular administration of fluoride either via fluoridated salts’ or fluoride tablettes or by means of topical app­lication of fluor. It is very difficult to change the domestic dietary habits and to impro­ve the state oral hygiene. In 1985 a complete preventive program was introduced by a team led by the author based on the three most important fundaments of the caries prevention and the early dental health care Systeme in childhood. Children aged О to 6 as well as young elementary school cb ildren were given fluoride tablettes completed with the use of Elmex Gel in the kindergarden and elementary school. The consump­tion of fluoride containing toothpastes is steadely increasing in Hungary. Our diet cont­rol! program is focusing on the reduction of sugar consumption between meals and the introduction of special sweeteners. This is completed with the promotion of special oral hygiene measures and the start of the dental hygienist education program in our country. L<sL DENTAL KFT A következő nyugati cégek fogorvosi és fogtechnikai anyagait, műszereit és készülékeit rövid határidővel szállítjuk önnek: VITA VOCO MEISINGER DENTAURUM HARWARD SCHICK SVEDIÁ IVOCLAR DETAX EDENTA ZIZINE RENFERT HANEL SCHULER VI VAD ENT WHIP-MIX MAILLEFER HAWE NEOG 3 M LEGE ARTIS MOLLOPLAST MINDEN TERMÉK FORINTÉRT VÁSÁROLHATÓ! Iroda, üzlethelyiség: Budapest, 1126 Böszörményi út 13—15. Telefon: 156-6844; 156-6533 Fax: 15-66-844 Nyitvatartás: hétfőtől—péntekig, 9.00—17.00 óráig. 16

