Fogorvosi szemle, 1989 (82. évfolyam, 1-12. szám)

1989-02-01 / 2. szám

Fog és fogkő. 24. Heifer, U., Sadigh, F.: Nachweis der Gruppenantigene A und В an menschlichen Zähnen. Arch. Kriminol 143, 173, 1969. — 25. Heuschkel, H. J., Lieske, W.: Zur Gm(l)-Bestimmung an den menschlichen Zahnhartgeweben. Dtsch. Zahn-, Mund-Kieferheilk. 67, 507, 1979. — 26. Ivor, R., Kramer, H., bond, M. D. S.: An examination for A and В bloond-group antigens by the mixed agglutination technique. Proc. Ray. Soc. Med. 50, 677, 1957. — 27. Ramirez-Brunet, R.: A method for the identification of ABO blood groups from human teeth. Thesis, Iowa. Proc. Int. Ass. dent. Res. 1970. — 28. Scheibe, E., Gibb, R., Ulrich, E.: Eine einfache Methode zum Nachweis von blutgruppenaktiven Substanzen im menschlichen Zahn­gewebe. Arch. Kriminol. 128, 155, 1961. — 29. Schmechta, H., Lieske, W.: Zur Nach­weisbarkeit der Blutgruppenantigene des ABO-Systems an menschlichen Zähnen. Dtsch. Zahn-, Mund-Kieferheilk. 63, 142, 1975. — 30. Suzuki, K. et ál.: An opinion case on a tooth fragment found a bread. Acta. Criminol. Med. leg. Jap. 37, 307, 1971. — 31. Takata, H., Funatsu, Y.: Studies on the blood groups of teeth and dental calculus. Jap. J. leg. Med. 25, 218, 1971. — 32. Takata, M.: Studies on blood groups of human teeth. Part. I. Identification of ABO blood groups from permanent and deciduous teeth by means of elution test. Jap. J. leg. Med. 27, 46, 1973. — 33. —, el al.: On the detection of blood groups from teeth and dental calculus. Jap. J. leg. Med. 25, 354, 1971. — 34. —, —Blood grouping of teeth. Rep. nat. Res. Inst. Police Sei. 24, 37, 1971. — 35. —, —,: Blood group identification from hard dental tissues by elution test. Int. J. forens. Dent. 2, 43, 1974. Alveoluscsont. 36. Guth, P.: Bestimmung von Gm-Eigenschaften in Knochengewebe. Krimin, forens. Wiss. 63, 64, 167, 1986. — 37. Harsányi L., Santora Z.; Adatok a csontszöveti fehérjék vizsgálatához. Antrop. Közi. 18, 79, 1974. — 38. Kirst, R., Lan­des, В.: Untersuchungen zur ABO- und Gm-Bestimmung aus Knochensubstanz. Krimin, forens. Wiss. 11. 71, 1973. — 39. Suzuki, H.: Using the elution technique to determine ABO blood group from alveolar bone. Shikwa Gakuho. 71, 49, 1971. — 40. Suzuki, K., Suzuki, H.: Elution technique to determine ABO blood group from human bone. Bull. Tokyo. Dent. Coll. 14, 113, 1973. — 41. Yada, Sh., Okane, M., Sano, Y.: A simple method from blood grouping bone fragments. Acta Crim. Med. leg. Jap. 32, 99, 1966. * Bővebb irodalom a szerzőnél. Schranz D. Dr.: Proving of antigen properties associated with red blood cells and of the blood plasma protein properties in the saliva and oral environments. Bibiliography. The blood group and the blood plazma protein properties can, by means of special methods, be proved also in saliva, in the mouth soft tissue, in the teeth, in the dental deposit and in the dental socket extension. These — among other things — are of great importance in the judical dental practice. 56

