Fogorvosi szemle, 1989 (82. évfolyam, 1-12. szám)

1989-01-01 / 1. szám

Gusztáv. Megemlékezés születésének 100. évfordulójáról. Orv. Hetil. 119, 3203, 1978. — 9. Lindhe, J., Haffajee, A. D. and Socransky, S. S.: Progression of periodontal disease in adult subjects in the abscence of periodontal therapy. J. Clin. Periodontol 10, 433, 1983. — 10. Morelli G.: Visszaemlékezéseim. Fogorv. Szle. 47, 370, 1954. — 11. Morelli G.: A szájüreg leaukaemiás megbetegedései. Fogorv. Szle. 14, (máj.) 18, 1921. — 12. Morelli G.: Ritkább betegségek esetei. Fogorv. Szle. 15, (aug.—szept.) 1, 1922. — 13. Meikle, M. C., Heath, J. K. and Reynolds, J. J.: Advences in understan­ding cell interactions in tissue resorption. Relevance to the pathogenesis of perio­dontal diseases and a new hypothesis. J. Oral. Pathol. 15, 239, 1986. — 14. Meyle, J., Heller, W., Götz, H. und Führer, G.: Plasmakonzentrationen von Calcium, Mag­nesium, Zink und Kupfer bei Patienten mit marginaler Parodontitis. Dtsch. Zahn­­ärztl. Z. 42, 474, 1987. — 15. Offenbacher, S., Odle, B. M. and van Dyke, T. E.: The use of crevicular fluid prostaglandin E2 levels as a predictor of periodontal attachment loss. J. Periodontal. Res. 21, 101, 1986. — 16. Ryan, R. J.: The accuracy of clinical parameters in detecting periodontal disease activity. J. Am. Dent. Assoc. Ill, 753, 1985. — 17. Sallay K., Sanavi, F., Ring, I., Pham, P., Behling, V. H. and Nowotny, A.: Alveolar bone destruction in the immunosuppressed rat. J. Periodont. Res. 17, 263, 1982. — 18. Sallay K., Szigeti R. és Révész T.: Juvenilis parodontosis (parodontitis) és cinkhiány. Fogorv. Szle. 72, 368, 1979. — 19. Slots, J.: Bacterial specificity in adult periodontitis. A summary of recent work. J. Clin. Periodontol. 13, 905, 1986. — 20. Sugár L.: Morelli Gusztáv munkássága és szerepe a magyar pa­­rodontológiai oktatás kialakulásában. Morelli emlékelőadás. Fogorv. Szle. 74, 33, 1981. — 2). Theilade, E.: The non-specific theory in microbial etiology of inflam­matory periodontal disease. J. Clin. Periodontol. 13, 905, 1986. Sallay K. Dr.: Rapid and slow form of periodontitis. Gusztáv Morelli memorial lecture. Gusztáv Morelli (1878—1960) began his carrier as specialist for internal deseases whereafter he was occupied with mouth deseases as physician of the Budapest Stomatological Clinics. He is the founder of the Oral Department of the Clinic. In adjoining to his thoughts the lecturer expounds his own selected subject which is summed up as follows: Progress of the periodontitis depends on the rate of the bacteria and their metabolic products getting into the intertitial tissue of the pocket wall. In case of deficient fagocite operation agressiv stocks multiply which occur rarely in the mouth of healthy persons. These then are capable to intrude below the pocket epithelium and to rapidly destroy the tissues. In case of complete lack of fagocite operation they cause sepsis. 6

