Fogorvosi szemle, 1948 (41. évfolyam, 1-12. szám)
VI. LAPSZEMLE. Oldal A fogfájás gyógyítása (orvostörténelmi adalék). Ref. : dr. Kovács ........................... 343 American Journal of Orthodontics. Ref. : dr. Ábrányi.................................................... 93 Ballard és Wylie: Mixed dentition, case analysis — Estimating size of unerupted permanent teeth. Ref. : dr. Adler........................... 159 Begaux: Les sulfamides dans le traitement local des racines dentaires infectées. Ref. : dr. Szabó............................................................................ 343 Bodingbauer: Vergleichende Betrachtungen über das Vorkommen der Karies beim Menschen und beim Hunde. Ref. : dr. Adler ......................................................... 118 Brechner—Radusch: The Relationship of Gastric Acidity to Periodontoclasia. Ref. : dr. Sallay .................................................................................................................... 348 Driak—Greiner—Krasa: Grundlagen und Technik von Gottlieb’s Imprägnierungsmethode. Ref. : dr. Sugár.................................................................................................. 182 Franco: Contributo clinico e istologico al problema patogenetico della malattia di Rig-a-Fede. Ref. : dr. Tóth István .................................................................................. 345 Frey: Characteristic morphological changes in Bacillus fusiformis in the course of penicillin treatment. Ref. : dr. Kovács......................................................................... 94 Gerlach: Standards of dental care in public health programs for children. Ref. : dr. Takács................................................................................................................................. 278 Glickman: The use of penicillin lozenges in the treatment of Vincent’s infection. Ref. : dr. Göndör.................................................................................................................... 117 Goldbach: Erfolge der E-vitamintherapie bei Párodonthopathien. Ref. : dr. Halász 59 Haensler: Zwei Fälle von Zahnlockerung bei der Feerschen Krankheit. Ref. : dr. Huszár ............................................................................................................................... 117 Wansson: The porcelain Jacket crown and the color problem. Ref. : dr. Solymossy 344 Journal of Oral Surgery 1947. II. számából összefoglaló referátumok. Ref. : dr. Illyés 93 Knutson: Sodium fluoride solutions : Technic for application to the teeth. Ref. : dr. Tóth István ...................................................................................................................... 344 Koch: Die Kurzwellentherapie in der Zahnheilkunde. Ref. : dr. Halász.................... 118 Krogh: Prevention of Dry Sockets. Ref. : dr. Kovács......................................................... 218 Krämer: An auxilary device for the performance of replantation. Ref. : dr. Perint 346 Marziani: Radici artificiali come ancoraggio di protesi complete mobili inferiori. Ref. : dr. Tóth Pál............................................................................................................... 182 Mellanby—Mellanby: The Reduction in Dental Caries in 5 Year Old. Ref. : dr. Kovács........................................................................................................................................ 279 Messina: Valore ed utilitá dei decidui in assenza dei permanenti. Ref. : dr. Tóth István.......................................................................................................................................... 277 Miklós: A foggócok szanálása egyéni biológikus gyökérkezeléssel. Ref. : dr. Záray 30 Miller: Clinic-factors in the use of amalgam. Ref. : dr. Boros .................................. 278 Mladek: Bemerkungen zur Frage der Medikamentösen Beeinflussung infizierter Zähne. Ref. : dr. Halász......................................................................................................... 116 Morel: Tumeurs odontoplastiques ä ceractére familial. Ref. : dr. Ábrányi.............. 58 Kiesten: Safeguards in general anesthesia for the dental office. Ref. : dr. Solymossy 345 Petrik: Die kieferorthopädische Nachbehandlung operierter Kiefergelenksankylosen mit Hilfe des Aktivators. Ref. : dr. Göndör............................................................. 346 Pettit és Walrath: The «bowback» operation for the relief of prognathism. Ref. : dr. Adler....................................................................................................................................... 159 Potkin: The use of Penicillin in treatment of the root canal. Ref. : dr. Kuchdrik............ 279 Schlijecher: L’immunisation permanente du canal radiculaire. Ref. : dr. Ábrányi ... 159 Schultz: Therapeutic management of hysterical patient. Ref. : dr. Boros..................... 280 Specialisation in dentistry. Ref. : dr. Adler .......................................................................... 29 Swinehart: Progressive malocclusion associated with dilantin therapy. Ref. : dr. Szentbe........................................................................................................................................ 245 Symbolic designation of teeth. Ref. : dr. Adler.................................................................. 31 Sztrilich: Ötven gondolat és tanács műfogsor viselők részére. Autoref............................. 119 ■ TARTALOMJEGYZÉK______________________________5