A Fővárosi Könyvtár értesítője 1910

1910 / 1. szám - A Fővárosi Könyvtár szerzeményei az 1910. év I. negyedében

83 ÚJ SZERZEMÉNYEK 1910. L NEGYED 84 Charity organisation society in London. General objects, constitution, and method of the Society. London: Spottiswoode 1905. (4) = Charity organisation soc. Papers, 1. — IV 335 Charity organisation society in London. Charity organisation and relief. A paper of suggestions for charity organisation societies. London: Spot­tiswoode 1905. (10) = Charity organisation soc. Papers, 2. — IV 335 Charity organisation society in London. Assi­stance by loan. London : Spottiswoode [1905?] (4) = Charity organisation soc. Papers, 6. — IV 335 Charity organisation society in London. Office work, books and forms. London: Spottiswoode 1906. (7) = Charity organisation soc. Papers, 8. — IV 335 Conyngton, Mary: Philantropy in Providence. = Kirk, Will.: A modem city. 1909. (281—319) —VIII346 Macrosty: What the Minority report means to women. London 1909. (8) = Nat. committee to promote the break-up of the poor law. [Publications, 3.] — IV 339 Muensterberg, [Em.]. Decker, Kapp [usw.] Die öffentliche Armenpflege auf dem Lande. Leipzig: Duncker & Humblot 1909. (92) = Schriften d. Dtschen Ver. f. Armenpfl. <£ Wohlt. 91. —XVII 342 Nagybritannia. Törvényjavaslatok. 1789. A bill (with the amendments) for the more effectual relief of the poor. [London] 1789. (41) 4° — Br q 112 Nagybritannia. Select committee on the poor law amendment act. Report and appendix. [London] 1838. (49) 4° — Br q 111 Nancy. Bureau de bienfaisance. Compte rendu de l’administration. 1908— . Nancy 1909— — V 437 National committee to promote the break-up of the poor law. [Publications, 1— .] London 1909— .. —IV 339 [1.] B un d, J. W. Willis: Seven reasons for supporting the Minority report of the Poor law commission. 1909. (3) [2.1 The failure of the poor law. 1909. (12) [3.J Macrosty: What the Minority report means to women. 1909. (8) [4.] The new charter of the poor: what is meant by the break-up of the poor law. 1909. (8) [5.] An outline of the proposal to break-up the poor law. 1909. (15) [6.] W e b b, Sidney: The poor law medical officer and his future. 1909. (8) National committee to promote the break-up of the poor law. The failure of the poor law. London 1909. (12) = Nat. committee to promote the brea k-u p of the poor law. [Publications, 2.] — IV 339 National committee to promote the break up of the poor law. The new charter of the poor: what is meant by the break-up of the poor law. London 1909. (8) = Nat. committee to promote the brea k-u p of the poor law. [Publications, 4.) — IV 339 How best to reduce the rates or, Chalmers and the Elberfeld system of poor relief. Glasgow: F. & A. Wilson 1909. (12) — IV 348 South-eastern and metropolitan districts poor law conference. Report of the Annual poor law conference. 35— . London 1910— . — IV 354 35. Brighton, 1909. (611—75) Soziales Adressbuch. Verzeichniss von sozialen und charitativen Auskunftsstellen, Einrichtungen & Anstalten von Standes- und Berufsvereinen und -Verbänden von kath. Seelsorgestellen in der Diaspora usw. nebst Adressen der Zentrums­abgeordneten. Hg. vom Volksver. f. d. kath. Dtschland. Kevelaer: Butzon & Bercker 1904.-Nm 1385 Webb, Sidney & Beatrice: English poor law policy. ©London: Longmans, Green 1910. (XIII, 379)-IV 340 Weydmann, J.: Das öffentliche Armenwesen in Elsass-Lothringen vor und nach der Einführung des Unterstützungswohnsitzgesetzes. Freiburg: Caritasverb. 1910. (VIII, 183) - Kn 140 Gyermekvédelem Protection de l’enfance — Kinderschutz Bosnyák, Zoltán de <£ E d e 1 s h e i m-G y u 1 a i © L[ipót]: Le droit de l’enfant abandonné et le systéme hongrois de protection de l’enfance. Préf. par le comte Jules Andrássy. Bp.: Athenaeum 1909. (XVI, 511) —Mo XVII 231 Budapest székesfőváros. Útmutató a kerületi sze­gény- és gyermekgyámok részére. Bp.: Háziny. 1909. (42) — Bp 2366 Bureau of municipal research, New York. A Bureau of child hygiene. Co-operative studies and experi­ments by the Department of health of the city of New York. New York: Bur. of mun. research 1908. (41) = Bureau of mun. research. [Reports, 14.1 — VIII 234 Défense contre la críminalité des mineurs. == Bosnyák <£ Edelsheim-Gyulai: Droit de l’enfant abandonné. 1909. (329—508) — Mo XVII 231 Deschanel, Paul: L’enfance coupable. = Deschanel: Organisation de la démocratie. 1910. (181-98) — Fr 684 Dewar, David: The Children act, 1908 and other acts affecting children in the United Kingdom. Edinburgh : Green 1910. (VI, 418) - Br 524 Donovan, W. T.: The care of children under the poor law. = South-eastern andmetropolitan districts poor law conference. 1909. (655—75) — IV 354 Die Entwicklung der Berufsvormundschaft. 1. Bayrisches Gesetz, betr. die Berufsvormundschaft vom 23. Febr. 1908. 2. Coburg- Gothaisches Gesetz vom 18. März 1908. = Jahrbuch d. Fürsorge, 3. 1909. (87—92) — XVII 617 National committee to promote the break-up of Feld, Wilh.: Die Kinder-Armenpflege in Elsass- the poor law. An outline of the proposal to Lothringen und Frankreich. Dresden: Böhmert break-up the poor law. London 1909. (15) 1908. (XII, 156) === Nat. committee to promote the brea k-u p = Zentrale f. private Fürsorge, Frank­ói the poo law. [Publications, 5.] — IV 339 f u r t a. M. Probleme d. Fürsorge, 4. — III 331

