Evangéliumi Hírnök, 2001 (93. évfolyam, 1-12. szám)
2001-01-01 / 1. szám
8. oldal (I fiethesda ______Baptist Retirement Home______ November at Bethesda Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. God has once again been with us during another month here at your Bethesda Retirement Home. We had been blessed and we tried to share His blessings with those aged ones who had been placed in our care. Our residents are well cared for and well fed. This makes them happy and easier to deal with. For this we are grateful. November is a month wherein we remember all of the blessings with which God bestows on us. That He has done in abundance. We had a full house of nice people to whom we were able to show God’s love. We counted our blessings each day we were thankful for His care and His concerns for us. It was good to see the joy on the faces of our residents when we sat around our dinner tables to sing Count your Blessings and we gather together to ask the Lords Blessings. Gods love is still being “preached” at Bethesda in a very special way. Please continue us in your prayers. Bethesda is on the minds and in the hearts of many local people. They come into our Home to entertain our folks. They bring in candy and other items to make life pleasant for our folks. They donate many items to the Home which we sell at our yard sales which helps us to subsidize a number of our residents who have run out of money. In October and November we held two yard sales at which time we sold over $1700.00 of donated items. We are grateful to God for giving us these kind hearted friends. We are also grateful for the volunteers who help us during these sales. We are already making plans to celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior. There is much preparation that will be needed. Normally, we remember each of our residents with a small gift to let them know that we love them. This pays many dividends. In addition, we have thirty faithful employees who work hard all year long to keep our residents happy. We must remember each of them with a gift of money as a thank you for their good services. As is the custom at this time of year, we decorate our entry ways and our facility with lights and garlands. All of the above requires our planning and supervision. We do all of the above to indicate to all people the real reason for our celebration. It is our way k of showing those people around us that the Savior of the World was born and later died for our sins so that we can have access to God eternally. Bethesda is still a Christian Home and we try to continue the message of God just as our forefathers had done for over seventy five years. Our Home is still on the market for sale. We are still in negotiations with a number of organizations but as yet we do not have anything positive to report. You will be advised of happenings just as soon as we have something positive to report. In the meantime, we wish each and everyone of you Gods richest blessings and much joy during these Christmas holidays. Love you all. Ernest J. Kish 2001. lanuár Beatitudes for Older Adults Blessed are they who understand when I keep telling the same stories over and over. Blessed are they who know that my ears today can’t hear as once they did. Blessed are they who seem to know that my eyes are bright, but my mind is slow. Blessed are they who looked away and didn’t notice my wrinkles today. Blessed are they with a cheery smile who encouraged me to try once more. Blessed are they who never say, “You asked me that question twice today.” Blessed are they who know the ways and ignore the frustration which releases my tension. Blessed are they who make me know that I’m loved, respected, and not alone. Blessed are they who know that I’m at a loss to put my thoughts into words, I get mixed up at times. Blessed are they who ease the days too often filled with pain and loneliness. Blessed are they who listen, for I still have something to say. Blessed are they who love me, just me, for what I am. Your love sustains me. I am getting older, dear loving God, but that’s all right, isn’t it? Thank you for the years so quickly gone by. Make me ready to see you and all my loved ones. Getting older means that soon I can be with you. In heaven no one gets older, but stays forever young, and always loved by you, my great and dearly loved God. Amen. (From the News Letter of the Bethesda Home) As we begin another year As we begin another year, remember that this land Was built by folks who gave their all and labored hand-in-hand To build “One Nation Under God,” destined to be a star, Not unlike that of Bethlehem, which sparkled from afar. May all our leaders once again be truthful, fair and just And never tempted to deny, that -yes! - in God we trust. May He be blessing all of us, the way He’s always done During this Season and beyond, in Two Thousand and One. Stephen A. Zoldos, Santa Barbara No revival in the US Spiritual revival isn’t happening in the United States, research by George Barna says. A new study of what Americans want most out of life showed they haven’t changed much in the last 10 years, the Bama Research Group found. "If spiritual revival were occurring, you’d expect to see increasing levels of interest in a relationship with God, in church involvement, and in commitment to the Christian faith," Bama said. “None of those are evident.” [...] "If teenagers were on the leading edge of altruistic living, you’d see their levels of interest in integrity, faith, and a modest lifestyle surpassing the levels of adults. We do not see that," Bama said. “And if Christians were truly focused on serving others, you’d expect to see much larger percentages of them committed to influencing other people and to making a difference in the world. That, too, is not evident.” [...] Most people said they wanted good health, meaningful personal relationships, a relationship with God, a high level of integrity, and having one spouse for life. Other desires were a clear purpose for living, satisfying sex, a comfortable lifestyle, and a good job. Religion Today, com