Evangéliumi Hírnök, 2001 (93. évfolyam, 1-12. szám)

2001-03-01 / 3. szám

MAKE THIS YOUR PAYER By the Rev. Barton A. Brown Our Father: You are our light and our salvation. When You sent Your Son it could be said that “They who walked in darkness have seen a great light. " Your word tells us, “God is light and there is no darkness at all in him. ” (1 John 1:5.) We look forward to the day when, through Your grace, we shall exchange our present habitation for that city of perpetual light. We realize that there are people who do not appreciate Your light. Some of them choose to live in darkness because their deeds are evil. We have been de­livered from darkness, and have come into the light and liberty of the family of God. We have been commissioned to take the light of the Gospel to those who sit in darkness and the shadow of death. HELP US TO BE FAITHFUL! We are thankful for the assurance we have because we have come to believe in Jesus. When we came it was like com­ing from night to daytime. Our doubts were dispelled and our fears were allevi­ated. We do not claim that we are all that we should be, but we feel that we are on the right track. And the light shines more fully as we follow on to know the Lord. MAY WE NOT FALTER! Our concern is that we may set a good example for those who cross our paths. Impress us with the importance of being true and consistent in our Christian liv­ing. To grow in grace must mean that we are careful and concerned, always con­siderate of the needs of others. May our egos not stand in the way of our opportu­nities to be Your people wherever we are. Bless today all who are burdened with loads too heavy for their strength. Bless those who crowd our hospitals and health centers. Give wisdom to our care givers. Bless the many who are under the dark cloud of depression and anxi­ety. Bless those who have lived long enough to know the challenges of aging. Comfort those who have passed through the valley of sorrow. Help us to be alert to opportunities to share the struggles of others. Forgive us our sins. We have all come short of what You expect of us. We have not always measured up to our potential. We have put ourselves first too many times. May we accept Your 8. oldal_________________________________ forgiveness with the thought that we may be better, with the help of Your Holy Spirit. May we give serious thought to the suffering and agony of our Savior on our behalf. We cannot ever fully realize the extent of His humiliation, as He gave Himself up for the redemption of a lost creation. May we show the extent of our devotion by the lives we live to His glory. Hear us in our prayer. Bless us. We pray in His name. Amen. Reaching people for Christ through teaching English as a Second Language by Ruth Wright Many people who come to America need help in learning the English lan­guage just to survive. It is not an easy task and many give up along the way and manage with whatever they have learned. Others have persevered and have been able to go on to College and secure better employment. I have been teaching ESL for 8 years now and find that there are so many tre­mendous materials available for anyone who wants to teach. There is the saying that “if you can speak you can teach” and that is exactly true. Most of the teaching staff in our pro­gram are people who work in ordinary jobs and come once a week to teach Eng­lish. We use a curriculum that offers reading, pronunciation, grammar, writ­ing and conversation. This gives a good balance. For many students having an individual tutor plus a class room situa­tion is best. Those who study beyond the classroom are more likely to suc­ceed. There is no easy way. In fact, it is even more difficult as you get older but persistence pays off. For me, English is a means to an end. My desire is to share Christ with these folks who come for English classes. By their coming once or twice a week on a regular basis I have the opportunity to see them continually. I always ask the Lord to help me to sense their spiritual needs and trust Him to open the door to share in His timing. Our goal has been to love each one He brings to us with the love of Christ. It is a glorious privilege He has given to us. The world is at our doorstep and we have an opportunity to make a differ­ence in their lives. ** Songs from the “Off’ Mission Hymnal “I Surrender Some ” “There Shall Be Sprinkles of Blessings ” “Fill My Spoon, Lord" “Oh, How I Like Jesus ” “He 's Quite a Bit to Me " “1 Love To Talk About Telling the Story ” “It Is My Secret What God Can Do ” “There is Scattered Cloudiness in My Soul Today ” “Where He Leads Me, I Will Consider Following" “Just As I Pretend To Be" “As the Saints Go Sneaking In ” ________________________2001. március You know you’ve joined the wrong church when... • The church bus has gun racks. • The church staff consists of senior pastor, associate pastor and socio­pastor. • The Bible version used is the “Dr. Seuss Version.” • There’s an ATM in the lobby. • Ushers ask, “Smoking or non smoking?“ Here stands a glass with water in it: The optimist says, “It’s half full.” The pessimist says, “It’s half empty.” The idealist says, “The glass should be full.” The realist says, “The glass is use­ful.” The competitor says, “My glass has more in it than yours.” The environmentalist says, “Save the water.” The anarchist says, “Break the glass.” The capitalist asks. “How much is the glass worth?” The entrepreneur asks. “Can we bot­tle the water?” The efficiency expert says, “Looks like you have twice the glass you need.” The steward asks, “Is the water O”pure / Jesus asks. “Do you want a drink?”

