Evangéliumi Hírnök, 2000 (92. évfolyam, 2-12. szám)

2000-08-01 / 8. szám

8. oldal 2000. augusztus 93th ANNUAL CONVENTION, RAMA, ONT. CANADA, JUNE 30 - JULY 1 An overview by Ella Marosi After a devotion given by pastor László Dan, President Sándor Kulcsár officially opened the Convention. The theme for the 93rd Convention was intro­duced: GOSPEL FOR EVERYONE! We were asked to intercede for each other and, even to fast, attempting to under­stand and support one another through God’s grace. Rev Kulcsár believed that through Christ, triumph was certain. Afterwards, the reports of the Presi­dent and also the General Secretary, Mr. Isvan Szabó were given. Dr. Herjeczki, as editor of the Gospel Messenger and Mr. Bela Fur as subscrip­tion manager, gave an insight on the sta­tus of our newspaper. Emphases were given to the Internet version of the monthly. Pastor John Hunter gave a message from Acts 1:8- Witnesses for Jesus Christ. It was a challenging exhortation in Hungarian but is available in English as well. Following the reports of the commit­tees (Missions & Financial) the Women’s Convention, was opened by its president, Mrs. Annamária Kulcsár. She desired that we serve the Lord in love and har­mony. Mrs. Gabriella Oláh was elected president of the Women’s Convention. The Men’s and Youth Conventions were held simultaneously. The newly elected women’s president: Gabriella Oláh The evening worship service featured Ruth Wright and Dr. Margaret Cserepka. Ruth spoke of her involvement with Pio­neers Mission- befriending foreigners who wish to learn English. Her contacts are mostly Muslim and she seeks to ac­quaint each one with the Lord Jesus Christ and His Gospel. They need our prayers as does Ruth. Dr. Cserepka spoke of the ministry of her late husband and herself in Bolivia. They began a “cook­ing school” for young girls. This opened the door to reach their parents. Pastor Cserepka told a Bible story at each lesson and gave Bible verses to memorize. The girls planned a banquet for their families and the Gospel was presented. Dr. Cserepka was able to reach remote areas to administer medical help. God enabled them to persevere, despite hardships, see­ing fruit for their labor of love. A moving testimony by Margaret Gerstner described her encounter with Dr. Földes, a Jewish surgeon. She worked as housekeeper/care giver for the family and with the Holy Spirit’s guidance and loving kindness during the doctor’s terminal ill­ness, she was able to see him accept Jesus as his Messiah! He died shortly thereafter. On Saturday morning pastor Joseph Novak gave a devotional based on ICor 2:2 - Nothing but Jesus Christ. He said that Paul did not want to impress his hear­ers with his intellect or pedigree; only with Christ crucified. Because Christ suffered for us, we can expect to suffer also. Like Paul, we must identify with Him. He requested prayer for the pastors especially, that they would exalt only Christ Jesus and we would be “instant in and out of season” in our proclamation of the Gospel. Mr. István Szabó remembered those who had passed into eternity during this past year. He remarked that they were faithful to the end. He felt honored to mention them and regarded them as pil­lars of the church. Mr. Ernest Kish inducted the new offi­cers and encouraged them to work faith­fully as Nehemiah did in building Jerusa­lem’s wall. There should be joy as those Jews had in ministry. Our relationship with the Lord should blossom as we obey the challenge of Romans 12:1 -to present our bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God which is our reason­able service. Ethel and Ernest Kish were honored as they celebrated 60 years of wedded bliss! They met in 1938 at a Hungarian Baptist Convention. Mrs. Werle was honored as a veteran of 98 years. She had not missed a single Convention! She also recalled her in­volvement in the founding of the Toronto Hungarian Baptist Church and other per­tinent historical events related to the Hun­garian mission. Mr. Loius Drescher was recognized for devoting 20 years of dedicated service as Convention accountant. Pastor Kulcsár and others mentioned the coming of the Hungarian Baptist World Con ference in Transilvania in Au­gust, 2000. Several from the Convention are planning to attend. The decision was made to have the 94th Convention in Alhambra, Califor­nia. Mr. Stephen Tagai invited everyone to attend, as their representative. Ethel & Ernest Kish honored Dr. Herjeczki 's message was from the text: 1 Tim. 2:4 stating that God wants all men to be saved and come to a knowledge of the truth. Though we cannot do every­thing, we can do something for God’s kingdom. We should shun no one from hearing the Gospel. Our neighbors should be reached, regardless of national­ity, but we should specifically reach out to our Hungarian acquaintances. We cannot do this in our own strength but must rely on the Holy Spirit’s power. His urging and presence are essential. This is God’s mandate, not ours. The destiny of every Hungarian should be our concern. Pastor Kulcsár closed the 93rd Con­vention with words of encouragement to continue our mission prayerfully. He closed in prayer, asking that God would bless everyone until the next Convention meets in Alhambra in 2001. Ruth I Wright I and Dr. I Margaret I Cserepka | speakers j for the I worship service on Friday night

