Evangéliumi Hírnök, 2000 (92. évfolyam, 2-12. szám)
2000-03-01 / 3. szám
8. oldal 2000. március i| ftethesda Baptist Retirement Home January at Bethesda One would think that after a very busy holiday season, the pace of activity would slow down and afford us a breather at our Retirement Home. Unfortunately this was not the case in January. With our elderly residents there is always something extra to take care of in order to satisfy their needs. Bethesda has 68 residents. The youngest is 67 and the oldest is 98. They are all beautiful people who are in need of the care that we provide. We have a commitment to love and honor our “parents.” We try to fulfill these responsibilities to the best of our abilities. We provide three meals a day for them. Can you imagine what it is to be able to satisfy the tastes of 68 residents. Nothing tastes as good as what they had cooked for themselves for so many years. We also wash their linens and clothes. Here too, nothing is as clean and well ironed like it was when they did it for themselves. The same thing applies with our housekeepers end our aids. However, one thing that satisfies them to the utmost is the fact that they know that they are being loved. A kind word, a smile, a hug or a short chat is fully appreciated by all people. This is what makes Bethesda different than most other retirement complexes. We try to create a family atmosphere which helps our people to feel like a member of our family. In Ephesians 5:2 we read: “And walk in love as Christ also hath loved and hath given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God, for a sweet smelling Savor. ” We try to treat our people with love so that we too will emit a sweet smelling savor for the glory of God. On March 9 - 12th, we will once again be hosting the mid year meeting of the officers and committees of our Hungarian Baptist Convention. We are looking forward to this meeting and we will do all we can to make this gathering both productive and pleasant. We expect approximately 30 people to attend to the business of our Convention. They are working hard to make the work of our Convention effective and successful. Please remember us in your prayers. We need your prayerful support. We are still working on the possible sale of our Home. As of this moment I cannot report any positive results, but there is much activity which keeps us all busy. As soon as we have something positive to report we will do so. Please remember us in your prayers. Ernest J. Kish .. Gone to be with the Lord Bill Butti, a devoted servant of the Lord went Home to glory on January 11, 2000. Bill had been a member of our Hungarian Baptist Convention throughout his entire lifetime. He loved the Lord and had served his Hungarian Baptist fellowship in Elyria, Ohio for many years. He loved his Bible study classes and the fellowship of other God loving individuals. Although he Lived in Avon, Ohio, he spent most of his winters here in Florida where he worshiped with us at Bethesda. He and I spent many hours together, discussing important issues of the day as well as matters of spiritual importance. These were precious moments for both of us. Bill had a special knack with growing plants and he willingly helped to beautify the grounds of our Bethesda Baptist Retirement Home. We last met with Bill at his home in Avon, Ohio following the last meeting of our Convention in Cleveland. He was weakened by his ongoing battle with leukemia. At our parting, we embraced and he said, “Ernie, we’ll continue our discussions in heaven.” We parted with tears in our eyes, but with joy in knowing that we will meet once again where there will be no more parting. I will miss a good friend for awhile, but I know we will meet once again at the feet of Jesus. Bill leaves behind his wife Irene of 54 years, a daughter Dorothy, a son Tom, a grand daughter Crystal, two brothers Louis and James, and a sister Margaret Bacsó. He also leaves behind many pleasant memories. “Well done thou good and faithful servant..." Ernest J. Kish My Prayer Dear Savior, help me every day To love more dearly as I pray I would walk daily by thy side And trust in Thee, what e 'er betide Help me to live so near to Thee Thy likeness may be seen in me Make me so gentle, kind and true That / will do as Thou wouldst do To win some precious soulsfor Thee My errand here on earth would be And every day till Thou shalt came To do some good, to help someone. EJK Augustus Molnár 1909 - 2000 Augustus Molnár went to be with the Lord on January 15,2000. Papa Gus had been a devoted member of The Silliman Memorial Baptist Church in Bridgeport, Conn, since 1932 when he arrived in America from his native Hungary. He had served in that church as a deacon and had sung in the choir for many many years. He also praised the Lord with his talent as a violinist and he participated in our Hungarian Baptist Convention for many years. His wife Esther had predeceased him by 12 years, but his two daughters, Esther Rowe and Ruth Wright are even now active in the Lords work. Esther as the wife of The Rev. George Rowe, and Ruth Wright as a missionary in Sterling Virginia. They have had prayerful and devoted Christian parents who showed the good example of a loving mother and father. Papa Gus will be missed at our Convention meetings, but we rejoice in knowing that there will be a meeting once again in glory where we shall be together, nevermore to part. May his memory remain with us until we too are called to our glory. EJK If God Should Go on Strike How good it is that God above has never gone on strike, Because He was not treated fair in things He didn’t like, If only once He’d give up and said, “That’s it, I’m through! I’ve had enough of those on Earth, so this is what I’ll do, I’ll give my order to the Sun: Cut off the heat supply! And to the Moon: Give no more light, and run, the oceans dry. Then just to make things really tough and put the pressure on, Turn off the vital oxygen till every breath is gone!” You know He would be justified, if fairness was the game, For no one has been more abused or met with more disdain. Thank God, and yet He carries on, supplying you and me With all the favors of His grace, and everything for free. Men say they want a better deal, and so on strike they go, But what a deal we’ve given God to whom all things we owe. We don’t care whom we hurt to gain the things we like; But what a mess we’d all be in, if God should go on strike. The Beacon