Evangéliumi Hírnök, 1993 (85. évfolyam, 1-12. szám)

1993-03-01 / 3. szám

10. oldal 1993. március “Rooted and Established in Love” Ephes 3:14-15; Rev. 3:14-22 (Address delivered by Lois Crofott at the 85th Convention of the HBUA at Rama, Ont. Part III.) But surely we have gradually watered down our moral standards and slipped deplorably into following the direction of the secular world around us, allowing the culture of this day to dictate our thought patterns and our lifestyle. Things have be­come more important than people; acquis­­tions more important than relationships; wants have become needs. Christian se­xual once dominated our western society, but today there is absolute confusion as to what is right and wrong, and we are afraid to speak up for fear of appearing too sim­plistic and hypocritical and so we remain silent. But are we silent? Our actions speak louder than our words — and aren’t we just acting like the rest of the world? No wonder our young people are con­fused. They’ve lacked strong and consis­tent teachings backed by example in both the home and the church. They are search­ing. If we uphold the word of God as our guide and the one place we turn for the standards by which we live and if we seek to set the pattern of our lives after the example of our Lord, then surely they will be led to seek such a relationship. And we as parents and grandparents don’t have to shoulder the full responsibility for them. If we do our best to bring them to the Lord, then we must leave them, at one point, in His mighty hands as we continue A győzelem titka az Istennel való benső­séges kapcsolat. Ez a forrása minden kül­ső és belső erőnek. Ha elfelejtenek vagy elhanyagolnak, ha tudatosan mellőznek, és te mindezt alázat­tal vállalod és Uradnak hálát adsz minden sértésért és megaláztatásért, akkor — az győzelem. Ha a jót, amit teszel vagy tenni akarsz, mások kigúnyolják; ha vágyaid meghiú­sulnak; ha a többiek pont azt teszik, ami neked nem tetszik; ha tanácsodat semmibe veszik, nézeteidet nevetségessé teszik, s te mindezt zúgolódás nélkül, türelemmel, szeretettel elfogadod, akkor — az győzelem. Ha neked minden étel jó, azért mindig hálás vagy; ha minden ruházattal, minden társasággal és életkörülménnyel, a magá-A cogito ergo sum (gondolkozom, tehát vagyok) fordítottja is igaz. IA- gyok, tehát gondolkozom. to uphold them in prayer. Moreover, they are also the responsibility of the whole church to pray for them, to teach them and most of all to set the example by de­monstrating the love of Jesus through their lives. That is the way to help them find the reality of the hope, the strength, the power of the Holy Spirit in their lives. Paul tells the Ephesians he is praying that our heavenly Father will strengthen them with His power, His Spirit — “in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith”. He’s saying it can’t be a surface matter but rather — inside — a real experience with the Holy Spirit controlling our reasoning, our con­science and our will. He goes on to say that he is praying that they may “be rooted and established in love and may have the power to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ” — to “know this love that surpasses knowledge” and also that “they may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God”. What a prayer! What a goal to set! What is stopping us from that kind of prayer for our families? our loved ones? our church family? Jesus told us that we could not do it on our own — we must stay close to Him. He said “I am the vine; you are the nyossággal, mindennel ahogy Urad vezet, megelégedett vagy, akkor — az győzelem. Ha mások rosszkedvét, ingerültségét, panaszkodását, minden rendszertelenségét, pontatlanságát, amelyekről te nem tehetsz, — bár azokat nem helyesled — mérgelő­­dés és zúgolódás nélkül elviseled, akkor — az győzelem. Ha a körülötted lévők különcségét, lelki érzéketlenségét, saját hibáik iránti vaksá­gát elnézed, ha másoktól mindenféle üldö­zést elszenvedsz s mind elviseled úgy, amint azt Jézus Krisztus hordozta, akkor — az győzelem. Ha sohasem célod beszélgetésben saját személyedet vagy munkádat, sikereidet ki­emelni; ha nem vágyói mások ajánlására, dicséretére; ha szeretsz ismeretlen marad­ni, hogy Krisztusban elrejtett életed le­gyen, akkor — az győzelem. IIKor 6:1-10; Róma 8:35-39. branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” And He further said “If anyone does not remain in me, he is like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned.” (John 15:5,6, NIV) Those verses from John 15 have had a great influence on my life. They opened my eyes very suddenly one day. I realized that in spite of all my church involvement I was not really living with Jesus. He was not an integral part of my everyday life. He was not in charge and all my efforts were going nowhere. It was then I asked Jesus to take over my life and I just surren­dered everything to Him. That’s a dangerous prayer... anything can happen... One had better be serious before praying it. And — so much did happen! The rewards are wonderful — new understanding, new relationships, new hope, new meaning to life and all kinds of doors to endless opportunities for service and growth and fellowship. I’m convinced that when He’s in charge, our young people and the world around us cannot help but feel His love flowing through us — sincerely and powerfully. If our world and now, more than ever before — this North America — is going to turn back to God and find the reality of the sal­vation offered to us through Jesus Christ, then we must witness to the saving grace of our Lord Jesus and we must demon­strate the love and compassion that can come only from the Holy Spirit, alive within each of us. It’s absolutely essential! But we cannot share something we have not yet found ourselves. So — it starts right in your church family and in mine, in your home and in mine, in your life and in my life. This rebellious generation, the mixed up, hurting and frightened world around us will respond to that kind of consistent and unwavering love. It’s what is missing in our society, in many of our homes, and yet it is the essential ingredient to bring peace and understanding into all our lives. Then our families, our church families, our communities and our countries will be “rooted and established in love” and will “know how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ”. Prayer: Our Father and our God, we want to make a difference in this world. We want to see Your love reign supreme in our homes, our churches and our com­munities. Lord, give us the faith this day to make that complete surrender and to let it begin within our lives. Amen. GYŐZELEM

