Evangéliumi Hírnök, 1992 (84. évfolyam, 1-12. szám)

1992-02-01 / 2. szám

(USPS 716-300) 12. Oldal 1992. február hó Rev. Dr. Vitéz Ferenc H 493 Amboy Ave. Perth Amboy, NJ 08861 SECOND CLASS POSTAGE PUBLICATIONS POSTMASTER: Send Form 3579 to Hungarian Baptist Union of America 2800 Fordham Rd., N.E. Palm Bay, Fla. 32905 church visitors and Yoshiko Triebell/ Joyce Powell (two of our Certified Nurse’s Aides) assisted our residents with their se­lection of beverage, dessert and fruit. Ad­ditional thanks to all who helped provide for this most memorable evening. All month long, we have been privileged to view dedicated volunteers who bring much joy into the lives of our people. We were honored to have a visit from Sheryl’s Canine, at which time the obedience school graduates entertained our dwellers outdoors with a fascinating show of obe­dience, skills and their best form of di­scipline. After their program, they were in Nap napnak mond beszédet (Zsolt. 19:3) Letéptem a naptárról egy napot, de tudom: nem múlt el nyomtalan. Vallom, hogy minden egyes napnak számomra tanítása van. Minden egyes napnak megvan a maga baja, gondja, öröme, bánata, sikere, vagy kudarca. Egymást tanítják a napok: ha ma tán bús-borús az égbolt, nem tűnt el örökre a nap, holnap már teljes fényben felragyog! Éjek éjeknek súgnak titkokat, intenek egymásnak a csillagok, mindentudó kis égi ablakok, s vigyáznak ránk: ha megsebez az élet, álmaink akkor is legyenek boldogok! Napok és éjek, kicsiny láncszemek alkotják ezt a hosszú életet. Tovább adják a drága kincseket: áldásokat, tapasztalatokat... tanítanak és intenek. De lenn a mélyben megdobban a szív, megcsendül halkan, mint a kis harang, alázatra és háVadásra hív. A naptár lapjai elenyésznek, friss nyomtatással már új szám ragyog, de megmarad a napok tanítása: kik Istenben bíznak, mind boldogok! Napok, éjszakák úgy peregnek szent kezéből, mint drága gyöngyszemek, s kegyelméről zengenek éneket, kinek szolgája: Múlt, Jelen, Jövő, és trónusa a végtelen idő. no hurry to leave, due to the fact, each re­sident shared their love with them... man’s (and woman’s) best friend. The many decorations, both inside and outside, brightened up The Home. This year we were honored to have the resi­dents share their many floral arrangements throughout the TV Room, Dining Room, Library and Chapel. We were given per­mission to plant many of them on the grounds. The residents and staff want to perso­nally thank each of you who sent dona­tions and memorials in remembrance of loved ones. These gifts were an answer to prayer. They provided special gifts for those without families and those whose fa­milies were unable to send a Christmas re­membrance. God bless each of you for your thoughtfulness. Ernest Cziraky, administrator * * * Contributions — Décember, 1991 Esther Carabelos ....................................... $ 25.00 Edith Welcsh .................... 10.00 Anonymous ..................................... 100.00 Rose Newman .............. 25.00 Anonymous........................................................119.50 Mrs. Frank Schaefer ......................................300.00* Dr. and Mrs. Ellis Plyler ________________100.00 Ruth Kish__________________________ 15.00 Mr. and Mrs. Steven Forgács ________ 50.00 Bethesda Baptist Church ................... 225.00 Anonymous ....................................................... 25.00 Walter Schilling................................................. 30.00 Mr. and Mrs. István Palotai ........................... 30.00 Rev. and Mrs. A. Barton Brown............................... . 50.00 Chestnut Street Baptist Church ......................100.00 Rev. Louis Kurtz ................................................25.00 Silliman Memorial Baptist Church ............... 38.00 Mr. and Mrs. John Triebell ........................... 200.00 Estate of Bertha Wancha ............................ 1,000.00 Esther Fodi ....................................................... 30.00 Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Biro ................... 25.00 Ida and Ellie Reiss..............................................25.00 Elizabeth Paukovits ................................ 20.00 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Eibner ......................... 100.00 Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kish _____________ 500.00 Total 53,167.50 In loving memory of Rev. and Mrs. Gabriel Petre By Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel Petre, Jr.............. 2,000.00 In loving memory of Frank and Theresa Ver By Drs. Katherine and David Roth ............ 250.00 In loving memory of Mrs. Mary Berleth By Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Kish ......................... 50.00 Total 52300.00 Grand Total: 55,467.50 Working Together In Christ... Pulling Together... and Dedicated to the Task A Word from the President Knud Wümpelmann An old African fable tells of several men in a * certain village who went out to hunt an elephant. When it was killed a problem occurred: the heavy dead body had to be brought up to the top of the hill where they lived. They placed ropes around it and as they pulled together they all sang, "It is our elephant, it is our elephant." In this way the big animal was lifted up higher and higher, step by step. Then one man began to sing: "It is my elephant, it is my elephant." Immediately the others said, "Let him have it," and as they dropped the ropes the elephant slid back down into the deep valley. This story carries an important message for our worldwide Baptist family. Our work as Baptists must be achieved together — united in spirit and intent on one purpose. In Seoul, Korea, at the last Baptist World Congress, the more than 10,000 participants solemnly decided that during this final decade of the 20th century, they will pull together to bring a very big and heavy elephant to the top of the hill. In many languages, at the very climax of the Congress, we dedicated our­selves anew to the task of world evangelization with the aim that by A.D. 2000 every person will have the opportunity to respond to the message of God's love in Jesus Christ in an authentic and meaningful way." This is our main task as Baptists — together with all other Christians. It is a tremendous task, a great challenge to our concerted efforts. We are called to work together in Christ. Roughly a quarter of the earth’s inhabitants have yet to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ. On the other hand, never before has the Christian church had such effective means of communi­cating the good news to the world. Our efforts may, however, fall as the elephant did if we do not pull together. The main goal of the Baptist World Alliance is to provide some of the ropes necessary to "pull the elephant." Those ropes are Evangelism and Education, Baptist World Aid, Study and Research, Communications, and the Depart­ments for Youth, Women and Men. At the end of each of those ropes are individual Christians, local churches, and conventions and unions. Let us work together in Christ, following the BWA theme of this present quinquennium, Together in Christ. Oláh Lajosné *$300.00 Canadian Money Order=$252.92 American Funds

