Evangéliumi Hírnök, 1990 (82. évfolyam, 1-24. szám)
1990-03-01 / 5. szám
1990. március 1. 5. oldal January 1990 at Bethesda reach. Or ask a few friends to come over for a social evening and include Christians who can mingle with your guests. Also, if you’re serving dinner, what more beautiful example than holding hands at the table to give thanks! Our friends expect this at our home and look forward to this spiritual gesture. Use your hands at work: Since most of our waking hours are spent in employment, consider the factory or office as your greatest mission field. A sincere handshake with a friendly “God Bless You!” is a witness in itself. The act of giving thanks at mealtime may seem difficult in this modern age, but Our Lord endured much more in your behalf. Use your hands at home: Prepare a favorite dessert for an elderly neighbor or someone who’s just returned from the hospital. Offer to help houseclean or babysit for a friend in need. Pick up a pen and mark a day on your kitchen calendar, setting aside an hour or two to pray and intercede for others. At the same time, thank our Almighty Creator that He has given you two good hands with which you can demonstrate love and appreciation, with which you can work at home, with which you can earn a livelihood and be selfsufficient. But, most of all, be thankful to Him for giving you the opportunity to use these hands to work in His Harvest Field! Claire Vereczky VAN? Van egészséged? Van szemed, amellyel a világ szépségeit láthatod? Van otthonod, ahova napi munkád után hazatérhetsz? Van ágyad, ahol kipihenheted fáradalmadat? Van barátod, aki gondjaidban osztozik veled? Van két kezed, amivel dolgozhatsz? Van kereseted, ami betevő falatodat biztosítja? Van hited? Vannak szép gondolataid? Van valakid, aki szeret? * Ha csak a felét is bírod ezeknek, már is gazdag vagy és nincs okod zúgolódásra! („Emberek! Az élet szép!"— Dr. Szenthelyi-Molnár István) Én semmiféle csodán nem csodálkozom. kivéve egyet, a csodák csodáján, hogy Isten ember lett. Cyprian As we chronicle the events of this month, we must pause to give thanks for the Lord’s everyday answers to prayer. The extreme cold we experienced affected some of our citrus trees and we thank Him for those that remain to bring in another years harvest. The beautiful thing in connection with this matter is that before we determined what to do about purchasing new trees, the Lord was already working behind the scene through Mr. and Mrs. Bill Butti and Mr. and Mrs. Alex Butti of Avon Lake, Ohio. These people are no strangers to the work and ministry through Bethesda. They were kind enough, together with an anonymous donor, to secure a variety of 21 citrus trees to start building a fresh orchard. We thank these people and all of you who have already contributed in this meaningful way. Bill Butti will be assisting our maintenance men to oversee the planting of these trees as he and his wife, Irene, visit with us for three months. Our Canadian friends have commenced arriving: Mary Oszvari, Clara Tomori and Amalia Gabriel. It is a real joy to have them here. They have already presented the residents with homemade “csiga” and Mrs. Gabriel is a spiritual giant who ministers to our people with her kind deeds and words. Our other two faithful friends, Mrs. Ivan and Mrs. Pataki have been under doctors care and we ask your prayers for them and for all of our residents who face an uncertain tomorrow. Since December, 1986, we have seen a number of our “extended family” go to be with their Lord or become increasingly weak in body and I think this is the most difficult part of the work here. They have contributed much to The Home and we would love to have them around always. But, we know the tired bodies give way to the desire to be with Him Whom they love and serve. I thought you might be interested in the remaining Hungarians who still minister to one another and those around them, each new day, here at The Home. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Bokor — Although Mr. Bokor is weak in body, his inner man is strong and along with his wife, Elizabeth, they are a great encouragement as their lives witnesss of God’s saving power. Helen Repasy Doing well and is still active in the Bethesda Baptist Church Choir. Mary Pavlik — Our official greeter of visitors with her winsome smile, reads her Bible daily, prays for all of us here at Bethesda and attends church regularly. Ida Papp Perdick — Although her walking has slowed down, her faith in the Savior is very strong and her daily, cheery greeting casts all gloom aside. Franczeska Beck, Marika Conway, Ida Kantz and Eva Biro assist us with sewing, tending plants and Mrs. Conway is in charge of posting the hymn numbers in the church, which she faithfully performs. Alexander Raduly — During his last doctor’s visit, Mr. Raduly suffered a mild heart attack and the doctor requested additional care for all his needs. He is presently living at the West Melbourne Health Care Center and we covet your prayers for him and all of our special people. With your prayers, full support and cooperation, we look to the coming months with the help of the Lord to succesfully fill all the needs of our residents and staff. God bless you, one and all. Ernest Cziraky, Administrator * * * * Contributions — January, 1990 Rose Newman ............................................$ 25.00 George & Jean Kerestly ............................. 1,000.00 Esther Carabelos ........................................ 25.00 George & Ruth Ilika ..................... 25.00 Ruth Kish ..................................................... 10.00 Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Kish ........................... 30.00 Bethesda Baptist Church ........................... 175.00 Esther Bankuti ............................................ 20.00 Hungarian Baptist Church ....................... 150.00 SI,460.00 In loving memory of Aaron Hollander By Mr. & Mrs. Alex Hollander ................ $100.00 In loving memory of Frank Pato By Mrs. Grace Sally Reviczky..................... 25.00 In loving memory of William Vey By Mr. Louis Olan........................................ 25.00 In loving memory of Vesta Allen By Mr. & Mrs. Jack Currie......................... 100.00 By Mr. & Mrs. Ivan Currie, Jr..................... 50.00 In loving memory of Mrs. Caroline Steg By Mrs. Caroline Rady ............................... 25.00 By Mr. & Mrs. Jack Steg ........................... 50.00 In honor of Rev. Victor E. Balia By Elizabeth Balia ..............................................50.00 $425.00 Mortgage Reduction In loving memory of Dr. Jeffrey James Kautz & Jack Grasso By Mr. & Mrs. Alex Banyai ..................... $100.00 $100.00 Grand total: ....................................... $1,985.00 A büszkeség szellemi rákbaj. C. S. Lewis * A keresztyénség nem vallás, hanem élet. Ha már vallás, akkor nem élet.