Evangéliumi Hírnök, 1990 (82. évfolyam, 1-24. szám)

1990-02-15 / 4. szám

1990. február 15. operations which consist of caring for 68 residents in cheerful, modern surroun­dings. These attractive brick buildings were constructed only five years ago with condominium-type apartments and effi­ciencies, spacious dining room, a recrea­tion room and a library. The gardens and fishing dock were de­serted but this was understandable since the area had just survived a most disas­trous cold wave at Christmastime. How­ever, I could see that great care was taken to provide the elderly with pleasant out­door rest and recreation when weather permitted. Since Sándor went to his eter­nal home last Fall, it was a bittersweet experience for me to walk along the same paths, under the same tropical sun, see the The chapel, where Rev. Barton Brown and Mr. Ernest Kish conduct worship services. Ruth Cziraky and some of the workers ^gaiumtHlrn^ 5. oldal The buildings at the Bethesda Baptist Retirement Center Ernest and Ruth Cziraky administrators same dock with an eagle lazily floating overhead, as well as a sign suggesting that we not become too friendly with two alli­gators who are unobtrusive but permanent residents nearby. Thirty employees work to make life more comfortable for the residents. Ruth told me that several types of activities are offered, including walking tours, crafts for men and women such as carpentry, shellwork, oil painting, watercolor and ceramics. The center even has its own kiln for ceramic firing. She said the residents take great delight in making gifts for friends and visitors. Ruth also told me that a special pleasure to several men and women residents, veterans of the armed forces, is the monthly breadfast to which local Elks club members treat them at a restaurant. Ruth said that anyone traveling the Florida East Coast, or touring Cape Cana­veral, is welcome to spend an hour or two, overnight or longer, at Bethesda. Of course, there still is room for your friends or relatives to share their latter years in quiet contentment with these brethren — such as spry and agile 102 years young Mr. Alexander Raduly, the center’s oldest resident. Ernest and Ruth Cziraky will gladly furnish more information about the cen­ter. Simply call them at (407) 723-3288, or write to them at 2800 Fordham Road NE, Palm Bay, FL 32905. Claire Vereczky

