Evangéliumi Hírnök, 1990 (82. évfolyam, 1-24. szám)

1990-01-15 / 2. szám

4. oldal 1990. január 15.-----------------------------— ----------------------------------------------------­NŐK ROVATA Elnök: Chatto Lydia Alelnök: Müller Katalin sXßf Rovatvezető: MRS. CLAIRE (Klári) VERECZKY fül 1063 Calle Margarita, Thousand Oaks, CA 91360 Titkár: Jakab Anna Pénztáros: Háló P. Lenke "And we know that ALL things work TOGETHER for good to them that love God... ’’(Romans 8:28 K.JV) We are believers who take God at His Word, believing that ALL things work together for our benefit. We do not be­lieve all things ARE good for us, or that all things work well. But we have the Faith to realize that everything, good or bad, works together for good for those who love God. Does this seem illogical to you? How can it be to our advantage to be two hours late for a lunch date? Or unable to find a certain street on a map? Is it to our benefit when a traffic signal turns to red as we approach an intersection? — Two hours late for lunch! How frus­trating! Visiting Sándor and Anna T. near San Francisco, my sister, Judy Johnson, and I had made a date for lunch with Rosemary. But we were unable to get there on time for such ridiculous reasons. First of all, we overslept. Then, in the rush, I left Rose­mary’s address, phone number and direc­tions locked in the house where we were staying as guests. We didn’t have a key to the apartment and everyone was at work! Exasperated, I drove to a nearby tele­phone booth, called Information for Rose­mary’s number, apologized to her for the delay, and hurriedly scribbled down direc­tions to her residence — incorrectly! Well, Judy and I'eventually arrived at Rose­mary’s apartment, two hours late and to­tally frustrated. The three of us finally were able to en­joy a leisurely lunch, but had to postpone plans to drive in to San Francisco for Isten semmibevevése „Urunk tanítása szerint, a világ legna­gyobb bűne az, hogy nem hisz Istenben. A hitetlenség azonban, amit kíméletlen szigorral leleplezett, nem Isten létének a kétségbevétele volt. Akikben haragosan leleplezte a hit hiányát, azok a tudatukkal fikarcnyit sem kételkedtek Isten létében; az életük volt olyan, mintha Isten nem is létezett volna.” Our Knowledge of God, John Baillie * Az egyedüli kulcs amely előttünk a mennyország kapuját megnyitja az, hogy bizodalommal lehetünk az Isten iránt. Kálvin sightseeing that afternoon. The day this occurred? Tuesday, October 17, 1989 — the day of the 7.1 earthquake in San Francisco! We dread to think what might have happened to us if we’d been in town that day. Instead, Judy and I never felt a single tremor as we complacently rode on a freeway back to Sándor and Anna’s home. (Frustrated by delays? Romans 8:28) — Can’t find a certain street on the map? A round-about route? Does God permit this for His children? The follow­ing account is written only as a testimony of God’s love even today. He not only hears our requests, but He also listens and answers as He deems fit. My husband, Sándor, and I had visited Gabor and Etel V. near Sacramento. We’d had a most pleasant trip, and en­joyed seeing their home in which the living room was furnished with attractive French Provincial furniture. I longed for that type of furniture; it would look so nice in our living room. Driving back to the Los Angeles area, I murmured half to myself and to God: “Oh, Lord, how I’d like to have French Provincial furniture. But it’s much too expensive for us.” With a shrug of my shoulders, admitting that as senior citi­zens on a fixed income we could not afford this luxury, I banished these thoughts from my mind and continued to enjoy the scenic drive toward home. Two weeks elapsed. Sándor and I were trying to locate a street on our hometown map, but for some reason we were unable to find it. Being familiar with the area, I suggested that we enter the development by another route and ask directions from someone. As we drove around looking for the street, we noticed an “Estate Sale” sign posted on a lawn and stopped to inquire within. Lo and behold, what did we see at the Estate Sale? A beautiful living room furnished in the finest French Provincial, including five marbletopped tables! The price? One we could easily afford! Since then, I’ve felt obliged to tell that God DOES hear our prayers, no matter how unlikely they may seem to us. God permitted Sándor and me to drive a circui­tous route in order to bring to us a special blessing. (Lost your directions? Romans 8:28) I would be the first to admit that I avoid traffic signals whenever possible, in­tensely disliking the delay when one changes to “RED”! Yet, there are times in our lives when God brings us to a halt, or slows our pace, for a specific reason. Nearly 30 years ago, I was working with a missionary group in Daytona Beach, Florida, which was experiencing financial difficulties. We had no money in the bank with which to pay the employees or our bills that Friday morning. We needed S500.00 — a great deal of money in 1961. All of us assembled together in the Prayer Room where we earnestly be­­seeched the Lord to help us solve this problem. Several prayed and, in closing, the person in charge actually thanked God in advance for answering our prayers. In fact, he prayed: “Thank you, Lord, for sending us this $500.00 before the sun sets today!” Impossible? Not with God! The mail was delivered that day, but no money arrived. Neither did anyone come with a donation. Nothing! At five o’clock, we closed the office and four of us crowded into our small Wolkswagen, homeward bound. Driving down the main thoroughfare, I hurriedly tried to reach the traffic signal while it was still on green. But I was too late — the light changed to RED and I impatiently screeched to a halt. A few seconds later, another car pulled along­side and stopped. George V.N. leaped out of his car, ran over to ours and extended a piece of paper. “Here,” he said, “I’m glad you stopped. I’ve been wanting to give you this check.” The amount? $500.00! And before the sun set that Friday! (Red light in your life? Romans 8:28) These are only three examples of many events which have occurred to teach me that God does watch over us in our every­day existence, even though we might not realize it at that precise moment. I’ve learned that our Lord carefully guards and guides His children. Although the future may seem bleak and disconcerting, God often permits tribulations in order to prove His Power and His Tender Loving Care. However, I also am convinced that God blesses more abundantly as we testi­fy about these experiences. We don’t dis­cuss these miracles — minor or major - in order to boast about our prowess with our Father. Rather, we testify about these blessings to instill this same Faith in our brothers and sisters. Then God will reward us — as He always does. Claire Vereczky

