Evangéliumi Hírnök, 1989 (81. évfolyam, 1-24. szám)

1989-01-01 / 1. szám

1989. január 1. Igjgg^g) 5. oldal mj® NŐK ROVATA Elnök: Chatto Lydia Alelnök: Bíró Gyuláné Pénztáros: Háló Barnabásné nED( Rovatvezető: DR. UDVARNOKI BÉLÁNÉ 609 Woodridge Drive, Murfreesboro, NC 27855 Titkár: Mátyás Kálmánná 60-40 The above numbers represent the percentage of attendance of women and men in an average American church of any denomination. Sixty women, forty men in the assembly of one hundred. This difference in num­ber as to men and women present in a church congregation is well known, but little attention is paid to its signifi­cance. Statistics show that in civilized countries there are more women than men. The ratio is about 52-48. This small difference, however, does not explain the reason for the larger diffe­rence in church attendance. It would be risky, or perhaps unkind to proffer some of the reasons why the greater difference exists. It is enough for our purpose to concede that this is the fact and the situation. We profit more if instead of scruti­nizing the cause for this 60-40 ratio, we observe the lessons which this phenomenon presents to us. First of all, we find in the above numbers a challenging question: what did we women do with the opportuni­ty that this majority number offered us? Did we fully utilize the possibili­ties that were open before us? The next appropriate question is: what can we do and what should we do? The story of the life of Christ is demonstrating plainly that our Lord fully utilized the talents of women. He taught Mary; instructing her in eter­nal truths or as we would say today, in high theology, although she was a woman and was not officially regard­ed as a disciple. We do not know what the subject matter was; all we know is what the Lord said: “Mary hath chosen that good part, (the words of Christ) which shall not be taken away from her.” (Luke 10:42) Whatever we learn is our rightful, permanent possession. The Lord did not deem it below his dignity to enter into a deep theologi­cal discussion with Martha, another woman. Jesus even extolled a woman whose sins were forgiven for her washing His feet. Her service was placed above the forgetfulness of a high Jew. The greatest and most glo­rious news that Christ arose was pro­claimed first by women. Women should keep this in their mind. Cer­tainly they should not be in second place in continuing to proclaim this great message. The fact is that the disciples of the Lord learned from woman the cardi­nal truth of Christianity, that Christ arose. October has been a most unique and exciting month. Just as many of you ex­perience the colorful changing of the autumn leaves, we, too, have witnessed a full variety of colorful changes in foilage as well as activities. The Fall Festival and Antique Car Show was held on October 8th. A wide variety of community and resident donat­ed clothing, household items, plus home­made pastries and noodles were available and this project was another successful endeavor. Our heart felt thanks to every­one who took the time to gather useable items, to the ladies of Bethesda Baptist Church and Oralee Royer, our Activities Director, who worked for several days setting up the display racks, tables and The Craft Room. The delicious food, des­serts and beverage are always in great demand with the ladies from church assis­ting with serving. One of the September activities not re­ported last month was Bethesda’s annual Spelling Bee for the Palm Bay area Retire­ment Homes. It was a smaller than usual group because of the Discovery shuttle launch but needless to say, it was a most enthusiastic crowd with Harriett Waugh representing Bethesda and winners from Carnegie Gardens and PB Care Center. A surprise 20th Anniversary Party was celebrated by Yoshiko Triebell and those connected with Bethesda. Rev. and Mrs. Louis Kurtz hired “Yoshi” on October 22, 1968 and she won the hearts of those with The advantage of 60-40 and the in­spiring examples of the spiritual acti­vities of the saintly women in the New Testament time point to the way wo­men must follow. We are free, indeed we are obliged and persuaded to pro­claim the saving message not from the pulpit but in places where men and women need to hear that in Christ there is life eternal. The home and the whole world is our pulpit. We are fortunate and blessed by the fact that in spite of our numerical strength we do not have to discuss fi­nances, church matters in committees, but we can be engaged in the most valuable work of speaking about Je­sus to our friends and neighbors. The 60-40 ratio is teaching us: let us do the work that Christ expects us to do and so fulfull our duty to our Mas­ter. Ruby Udvarnoki whom she makes contact. Mrs. Triebell was instrumental in giving us her life-sto­ry complete with pictures and her three sons, Edward, John and Don, plus one daughter-in-law and grandson were all present. Their oldest son, Edward, travel­ed from Atlanta, Georgia specifically for this occasion. It was a joyful and moving experience which brought back wonder­ful memories. It also brought to memory of the “Grand Homecoming” when we shall all meet Christ and our loved ones. Yoshi asked us to thank everyone, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Kish especially for the opportunity of working at Bethesda and the residents/staff for their many kind­nesses. Our prayer is that the Lord will continue to bless Yoshi for her faithful­ness and love. Our woodworking classes have resum­ed and the men are putting together sim­ple projects that are pre-cut and unfinish­ed. We hope to sell them at our Spring Festival, together with the art and cera­mic items beautifully completed by our ladies. A few of our artists are busy mak­ing Christmas Tree decorations and one of our residents, Mr. Francis Dalbec, do­nated a 10’ life-like artificial tree to dis­play the handiwork of our people. One of the Girl Scout troups in Palm Bay has initiated the “Adopt-a-Grandparent” pro­gram and five of our ladies have volun­teered for this unusual and special time. The Peace Lutheran Pre-School youngs­ters visited in full Halloween costumes October at Bethesda

