Evangéliumi Hírnök, 1988 (80. évfolyam, 1-24. szám)

1988-01-15 / 2. szám

1988. január 15. 7. oldal NOVEMBER AT BETHESDA két évtizeden át dolgozott odaadóan. Kész volt segíteni mindenütt, ahol se­gítségre volt szükség. Betegsége idején gyülekezetünk né­pe sokat könyörgött felépüléséért. Az Űr azonban másként válaszolt imánk­ra. Többet és jobbat adott, mint mi kértünk: Magához szólította a meny­­nyei hajlékba. Gyászolják: felesége Grace; fia Pál; unokája Seth; három fivére: John, Alexander és James; két nővére: Rose Julia, Storrs, Conn., Irene Cloutier, Palm Bay; gyülekezetünk népe és a baráti kör. Az Űr legyen vigasza a megszomorodott szívűeknek. B. L. Los Angeles-i hírek Rádió-Nap A Santa Monica-i Bibliai Gyüle­kezet november 21-én, szombaton dél­után közös vacsorával összekötött „Rádió” ünnepséget tartott. Erre az alkalomra meghívta a rendező gyü­lekezet az általa fenntartott rádió­előadások hallgatóit. A West Los An­geles-i „Centinela Avenue Baptist Church ” helyiségében, ahol a Bibliai Gyülekezet az összejöveteleit tartja, 90—95 magyar hallgató jelent meg. Az ünnepély első részén két szónok előadása, valamint több szólóének és vers hangzott el. Az előadásokat Dr. Hites Kristóf, San Francisco-i katoli­kus lelkész tartotta a „Keresztyén gyermeknevelés”-ről, és Dr. Udvarno­­ki Béla az Amerikai Magyar Baptista Szövetség tiszteletbeli elnöke a „Meg­térésről”. Ez az összejövetel igazolta egyrészt az evangéliumi rádiószolgálat hatásos­ságát, másrészt a Bibliai Gyülekezet lelkesedését és áldozatkészségét. Az emlékezetes ünnepélyt Hunter- Vadász János lelkipásztor rendezte és vezette. A Hétnyelvű Gyülekezet A Centinela Avenue Baptist Church különlegessége az, hogy ennek a gyüle­kezetnek a helyiségeiben hét különbö­ző nyelvű és nemzetiségű baptista cso­port talál otthont. Az anyagyülekezet nyelve angol. A többi misszió csoport: spanyol, arab, kínai, fülöp-szigeti, ma­gyar és süket-néma. Ügyes idő és hely beosztással mind a hét csoport talál helyet és alkalmat az istentiszteleti összejövetelekre. (Folytatás a 8. oldaton) November is the month that ushers in the season of thanksgiving and the fourth Thursday of this month brings to a near­stop the giant wheels of business so our nation may express thanks to God Almighty for the freedoms we enjoy daily. We are reminded of the words penned by David: “O give thanks to the Lord, call on His name, make known His deeds among the peoples !”-“0 give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; for his steadfast love endures forever!” Ps. 105:1 and 107:1. We wholeheartedly agree and thank our Lord for providing us with a measure of faith, His grace and love, shelter, food and pro­tection throughout this month. We are happy to report that Mr. László Novak is enjoying his new home together with Mrs. Rose Novak, his wife and their son, Tom. Mr. Novak is doing a good job co-ordinating the maintenance operations of Bethesda. This is no easy task, but Mr. Novak told me from Day One — this is his ministry unto the Lord and he wants only the best for his Lord and Saviour. Every day he brings something new to work on. As in the past, we are compelled to plan physically and mentally but we all find, everything must be pursued first in prayer. Prayer is a powerful and unlim­ited resource and we thank the Lord for our dedicated staff which is flexible and whom we cover with much prayer. The daily planned activities bring out the greatest creativity in our residents and it is a joy to see them work together. On Saturday mornings we have started sing­ing new hymns and have found our peo­ple truly love to sing. A number of our residents received cards and letters from you, our readers. They really enjoy read­ing these messages. Some are able to respond; others express their inability to write back but they express their gratitude for your prayers and friendship. Please continue to communicate with our resi­dents as they come to your remembrance. Another very special Thanksgiving Day is history. A beautiful turkey dinner with all the trimmings was served and it was our privilege to have some family members of our residents as well as those of our Bethesda Church family as guests. Several days before Thursday, our kitchen staff was busy preparing sweet potato souffle, orange-cranberry relish, and variety of pies, etc. The hustle-bustle and the aro­mas brought back happy memories of their own kitchens in days gone by. The dining room was festively decorated with the assistance of our arts and crafts people. An ice machine was ordered one month ago and upon delivery date of same, the old machine ceased to function. Again, we thank you all who faithfully support Bethesda — you allow us to update many needed appliances and provide what is most needed for the comfort of our spe­cial ones here at Bethesda. With sadness we report the “gradua­tion” of both Mrs. Kate Hamula and Mr. Joseph Reviczky, a former Bethesda resi­dent and a former employee, respectively. Both were faithful servants of the Lord who are now enjoying their rewards in the presence of Him whom they served for many years. They will be greatly missed. We covet your prayers on behalf of both families. May God grant them daily com­fort and may they sense His undying love through this time of bereavement. With warmest season greetings to one and all from all of us at Bethesda Ernest Cziraky * * * CONTRIBUTIONS Bethesda Bapt. Church, Palm Bay $100.00 Mrs. Lehotsky, Palm Bay .............. 10.00 Mr. & Mrs. Kalman Vassi, New Brunswick, NJ ..................... 70.00 Ruth Kish, Palm Bay ....................... 10.00 Mr. & Mrs. Gabriel Petre, Skokie, 111........................................ 1,100.00 Mr.&Mrs. John Wächter, Palm Bay 5.00 Helen Pollock ................................... 5.50 Mrs. Louis Taylor, Wadsworth, OH 30.00 Silliman Memorial Baptist Church Bridgeport, CT ............................. 80.55 Mr.&Mrs. Ernest J. Kish, Palm Bay 30.00 Betty Paukovits, Palm Bay ............ 5.00 Bethesda Ladies Aid, Palm Bay .... 100.00 1,546.05 Mortgage Reduction In loving memory of Michael Yanik Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Yanik, Kenmore, N.Y................................ 100.00 Mr. & Mrs. Colman Matyas Mentone, CA ............................... 100.00 Gus Molnár, Bridgeport, CT .......... 100,00 Memorials 300.00 In loving memory of Joseph Reviczky Louis Olan, Palm Bay ..................... 25.00 Margaret Nemeth, Palm Bay .......... 10.00 Rose Newman, Palm Bay .............. 25.00 Mr. & Mrs. Jack Steg, Palm Bay 25.00 Mrs. Rugh Kish, Palm Bay ............ 15.00 Mr. & Mrs. Frank Schupbock, Palm Bay ...................................... 10.00 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Matrai Palm Bay ...................................... 20.00 Mr. & Mrs. Ernest J. Kish, Palm Bay 10.00 Mrs. Marie Lehotsky, Palm Bay 10.00 Mrs. Theresa Wright, Palm Bay 15.00

