Evangéliumi Hírnök, 1987 (79. évfolyam, 1-24. szám)
1987-01-15 / 2. szám
6. oldal äiumiHirigir 1987. január 15. November at Bethesda Another third generation Hungarian Timothy Edwin Kish was born in Bridgeport, Connecticut in 1940 to parents Ruth and Julius Kish. He is the grandson of the late Rev. Arthur Stumpf. He was baptized by the Rev. William B. Molnár in our Bridgeport Church. He was active in the church band, choir and had served as church pianist and organist. He graduated from high school with honors and received his bachelor’s degree in Sociology from Yale University. After graduation he enlisted in the Peace Corps and served two years in Lima, Peru. He then served in the Navy for 3Vi years. He later attended Boston College Law School from which he graduated Cum Laude. He then married and now is the father of two children. Timothy is a partner in a large law firm in Miami, Florida. His parents now live in Palm Bay, Florida and attend our Bethesda Baptist Church. Timothy’s early church training has followed him wherever he has lived. Timothy holds family worship as an important factor in welding family life together and to give each member of the family a fine Christian background in preparation for the future years to follow. We salute this fine third generation Hungarian. Ernest J. Kish (no relative) Bodó Sándor művészi sikere (Az egyik, mellékelten közölt érem képe Budavár ostromát ábrázolja.) Kitüntető megbízatást kapott magyar baptista művész testvérünk a „Magyar Életért és Jövőért Mozgalom” vezetőségétől. Arra kapott megbízást, hogy Budavár visszafoglalásának The month of November is always a very lovely month in Florida. Our daytime temperatures were very pleasant at around 80 degrees and our nightime temperatures were in the high sixties and low seventies. When we read about the really cold weather that the north has suffered, we are grateful to God for that which He sends our way. We have been able to cut back on our air conditioning and we did not have to use power for heating thus far this year. This, of course, gives us a respite from the normally heavy utility usage that we must meet each summer season. We thank God for being with us at all times. We are now looking forward to receiving our first winter guest. We are always happy to see old friends who spend their winters with us. We help them by giving them housing for the winter at extremely fair rates, and they help us by providing the extra revenue that we receive because of their stay with us. Our main buildings are always filled to capacity, but we do have some room in our perifery houses which we make available to these winter guests. During the month we were happy to host a few visitors. Friderika Drescher had spent a few weeks with us during the month. Then, we were happy to see Mr. & Mrs. John Haydn from Elyria, 300. évfordulójára öt darabból álló emlékérem sorozatot készítsen. Az éremsorozatot szeptember 2-án vette át a budavári Mátyás templomban az esztergomi érsekség jelenlegi kormányzója. Bodó Sándor és neje Ilona személyesen vitték az emlékérem sorozatot Budapestre. A magyar kormány képviselői, valamint a múzeumok vezetői vettek részt az ünnepségen, amelyen a művészi érmeket fogadták. Az amerikai “The Sunday Tennessean” Budapestről keltezett hosszabb cikkben méltatta Bodó Sándor és Ilona művészi munkásságát. Az éremsorozat célja a megemlékezés mellett, reménykeltés. Ahogy volt felszabadulás a török elnyomás alól, úgy lesz igazi felszabadulás a szovjet uralom alól is. Szeretettel köszöntjük Bodó Sándort és Ilonát. Ohio. They too are real friends of our Home and it is always a joy to see them. November is also the month in which we give thanks to God for all of the blessings He bestows upon us. Our Thanksgiving Day started with a very lovely service of thanks in our chapel. Many of our residents joined us in giving thanks to God for all His blessings. This was followed by a typical Bethesda Thanksgiving Day feast. This too was enjoyed by so many of our residents. In addition to our residents, we invited all friends who would otherwise be eating their dinner alone. We tried to share our blessings with those who were lonely and alone. Needless to say we all enjoyed the fellowship together. Since you have appointed new management people to replace me and my wife, we have been busily at work preparing to assume their new responsibilities. We naturally will welcome them and train them in the work that they wííí be doing. We feel extremely confident that the management of your Home will be carried on by capable Christian people. Mr. Gabriel Petre is very familiar with the operation of the Home. He had previously served on the Board of Directors for many years. He is therefore well qualified to assume the responsibilities as Executive Director. Ernest and Ruth Cziraky are also well known to us and I am sure that they will perform their new duties in a very professional way. They will be with us on December 1st and will assume full control on January 1, 1987. Please remember all of these folks in your prayers and support them in whatever way that you can. Your prayers I am sure will mean much to them. Christmas is just a few short weeks away and we are already planning and preparing for a meaningful celebration of the birth of Christ. Please remember us all in your prayers. God bless you all. Sincerely, Ernest J. Kish, Executive Director * Contributions In loving memory of Addie Bennett: Col. & Mrs. Arthur Pottle, Jr., Palm Bay, FI., $25.00; Mr. & Mrs. H. H. Hunneke. Palm Bav, FI., $25.00; Mr. & Mrs. Sterling Holmes, Palm