Evangéliumi Hírnök, 1983 (75. évfolyam, 2-24. szám)

1983-08-01 / 15. szám

6. oldal 1983. augusztus 1. Him. I thought I share with you some of the notes that accompanied those donations, they are manifesta­tions of belief and trust in God. Some of the acknowledgements in the Gospel Messenger had the wrong amount, some had the wrong ad­dress. A letter from Canada said: I just found out through the Gospel Messenger that I moved to Los Angeles. We apologize to all those whose name or address had been incorrectly quoted. We all do make errors and so does the printer. Since we are talking about errors let me note that in the Minutes of 1982 on the Statement of Receipts and Dis­bursements the receipts from sub­scriptions were $2,199.00 and not $199.00. This brings me to the actual fi­nancial report as exhibited and which is supported by Schedule I. In comparing this year’s financial report with the report of 1982 we have to consider that last year’s re­port was for 11 months only versus 12 months this year. You all know that we changed the ending of fiscal year from May 31 to April 30. This year’s receipts were $9,598.04 higher than our disbursements. I can not recall the last year this has happened. Our total receipts were $27,902.00 versus our disbursements of $18,304.00. This year we had to add a new and sad line to our receipts. It is sad because it is due to the passing or is in memory of some of our great wor­kers and great supporters of this Union and for what this Union stands for. The Brethren whose names are honored In Memóriám are: The Rev. George B. Balia The Rev. and Mrs. Fazekas The Rev. John Lehman The Rev. Michael Major The Rev. and Mrs. Gabriel Petre Mrs. Susan Stumpf The net receipts from the Dayton property were $2,485.25. The Day­­ton property had been given to this Union by the late Rev. Ver. If the Union dissolves, the property reverts to the American Baptist Associa­tion. A bűn mindig messzebbre visz, mint amilyen messze mi menni szán­dékozunk. Contributions received from churches were: Bridgeport, Ct. Cleveland, Ohio Detroit, Michigan Los Angeles, Ca. New York, NY Palm Bay, FI. Wadsworth, Ohio Wadsworth, Ohio Other receipts: Bethesda Home, FI. Various individuals Total 572.44 20.00 20.00 575.00 3.654.00 1.855.00 200.00 200.00 6,896.44 5,407.88 4,945.57 10,353.45 17,249.89 The total receipts were $27,902.16. Total disbursements were 18,304.12 resulting in a favorable balance of $9,598.04. As you can see, our biggest ex­penditure again, as always, is for the Gospel Messenger. Our receipts in support of the Gospel Messenger were $8,349.90 versus expenses of $11,837.80 which includes $520 for the Bible Expositor. That means the Union subsidized the Gospel Mes­senger by $3,487.90. On the lower section of our Statement of Receipts and Disbursements you see the cash balances at the beginning of the year and at the end of the financial year. In support of the balance of $37,938.06 a detail be used is $23,754.34 less $24.70 in accumu­lated interest on the $2,000.00 de­signated donation payable. The beginning balance of the Restricted Funds was $11,178.72. This year’s donations to this fund were $1,185.00 (see top part of this report under Receipts: Special Mis­sion-Seed Money) bringing the new balance to $12,363.72. Note that these funds are donated with the stipulation that only the interest earned on these funds can be used. This year, the interest earned on these funds was $1,194.59. This concludes my report on the finances of this Union. From the re­port you can see that we have overcome all adversities. This Union has reaped the fruit of peace and goodwill. Let us be thankful to God that we once again are able to divert all our energy and resources towards His Kingdom to His Glory. Louis Drescher, Treasurer Bethesda Baptist Retirement Home FINANCIAL REPORT FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED APRIL 30, 1983 You can write about anything you want and you will have believers and non-believers. You can praise this Home and you will find some who agree with you and some who disagree with you. This time, how­ever, I don’t have to make you a believer of this Home. All of you who are here can witness what had been written about it. In the last few years, great changes took place in this Home. We expanded it and it had been beautified in and out. Some of you may not even have seen the Home before. Some of you may have seen the Home before all these changes took place. In which ever category you belong, you have to admit to yourself that it is beautiful and it is the pride of our Union. You will agree with me that the Administra­tor, Ernie Kish and his wife Ethel, justified our trust in them. They made this Home a home in the true meaning of the word. They do not only work for this Hime; they also live for it. It is always a pleasure to give a report abouta smoothly going ope­ration. In the past year, the Board of Directors were not burdened with unpleasant problems. Sure, there were problems. All operations have them but all the problems stayed with the Administrator. He had to face them and he had to take care of them. This enabled the Board to have more time for other construc­tive problems and projects. The general slow-down of the economy left its mark on the Home. This slow-down had, however, a more pleasant effect on the Home than it has had on the economy. We experienced a slow-down of price

